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Home»Option»Buddhist Monk Holy Blessed Water Cambodia

Buddhist Monk Holy Blessed Water Cambodia

Giv­ing a good bless from Cam­bo­dia Bud­dhist Monks with­in Holy Water is one of the Cam­bo­dia tra­di­tion­al that every Cam­bo­di­an ances­tors had prac­ticed the men­thols since it was dur­ing the Angkor Empire or pre Angkor Empire. The bless­ing water is a cer­e­mo­ny is to clean up of every­one’s bad days “from pre­vi­ous­ly time” then its gave you pros­per­i­ties, har­mo­ny to spir­i­tu­al or it will brought good lucks to you for whole months and to year long, after the water blessed on you. 

bless­ing water by Cam­bo­dia Bud­dhist Monks

If you are look­ing for a great Holy water bless­ing cer­e­mo­ny while your over­sea trips are in Cam­bo­dia then please walk straight to all Bud­dhist Tem­ples across Cam­bo­dia. And be aware with monks looks, some monks does not know how to bless and most­ly the monks who are able to do the bless­ing cer­e­mo­ny are aged about ear­ly 40years. Or the best to way to through to the place then you might need some helps from your local guides like dri­ver and pri­vate tour guide.   Code Dress to Attend Every Bud­dhist Temples
  • Wear. long pants or over knees and sleeves, T‑shirt
  • Remove. your shoes and hat then walk in
  • Bow your head to pay respect to stat­ue of Bud­dhas and then return to Bud­dhist monks
If you want to have blessed holy water it needs you to change clothes, please see the pics above, local is very help­ful for the cas­es Feel free to con­tact us if you are need some assist to go through in,