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Battambang things to do Tourist Sites

Bat­tam­bang is a coun­try­side and the biggest coun­ty of Cam­bo­dia and it’s locat­ed on north­west­ern Cam­bo­dia, also it’s one of the big­ger com­mer­cial towns and num­ber 2 of a mod­ern city after Phnom Penh. it was found­ed in the 11th cen­tu­ry by the Cam­bo­dia king, Bat­tam­bang is the num­ber one in lead­ing rice-pro­duc­ing province of the coun­try. If we are leav­ing from Phnom Penh to the town of Bat­tam­bang province we are able to go through nation­al road num­ber 5 and it’s approx­i­mate­ly take 5–6 hours, 8 hours by nation­al road num­ber 6 by pri­vate cars. And 90–120 min­utes, leav­ing from Siem Reap town Bat­tam­bang city is called  Sangkae city and it’s a Riv­er in the town. the sight­see­ing in the town it can be spent 1–2 approx­i­mate­ly then let trav­el straight to Phnom Penh of Siem Reap city. 

the stat­ue of Bat­tam­bang sym­bol, called lost of stick grandfather

Here bel­low is the list of things to do and see in the town, let explore with Cam­bo­di­an Drivers

1. Bamboo train Nori

The bam­boo train will bring you to see the nature along it’s way to go through­out pad­dy rice fields and moun­tains near­by. Just sit­ting on mat which it’s cov­ered a whole size of the bam­boo train or well known as Nori. It’s one of the fun things to do in bat­tam­bang town The best part about the bam­boo train is when two trains face off on one track and the one with the less heavy load is forced to dis­man­tle and let the oth­er one pass. The price should be for an entire nori which can car­ry four peo­ple, but they will try and charge more (and give kick­backs to your tuk tuk dri­ver). Don’t pay more than $5 per per­son. While this is con­sid­ered a “must-do” by some, per­son­al­ly we can take it or leave it.

2. Kayak through Villages and Countryside

The river­side of Bat­tam­bang is where many locals have set up house. How­ev­er, many of these hous­es are quite dif­fer­ent to ones that you’ve seen before. What is essen­tial­ly a neigh­bor­hood on water, you’ll see hous­es on stilts over the water which locals use to fish, swim, and wash their clothes. Dur­ing your water adven­ture, you’ll also go down­steam into the coun­try­side where you’ll kayak along rice fields with farm­ers busy at work, dense rain­forests giv­ing off a cool breeze. Rent your kayaks through Green Orange Kayaks, a NGO school who uses the pro­ceeds to fund the local children’s edu­ca­tion. Your tour will include steady kayaks, pad­dles, life jack­ets, and a friendlt Eng­lish speak­ing guide.  

3. Phsar Nath Market

Battambang’s most rec­og­niz­able and cen­tral land­mark is the Phsar Nath Mar­ket- oth­er­wise known as the Cen­tral Mar­ket. Built in the 1930’s by French archi­tects, this mar­ket has a dis­tinct design that sets it apart from all oth­er build­ings in the area. You’ll find French style shop fronts and ceil­ings that you cer­tain­ly wouldn’t expect to find in small-city Cam­bo­dia. The mar­ket serves as the main hub for locals to buy and sell all sorts of pro­duce. Like most Cam­bo­di­an mar­kets, you’ll find wet sec­tions with fresh seafood and hang­ing raw meat, and dry sec­tions with fresh fruit and dried seafood. There are lots of fla­vors, smells, and sights to be tak­en in. Go in the morn­ing to see the peak of the excite­ment.

4. Visit the Well of Shadows

As you first approach the Well of Shad­ows, it might look like anoth­er beau­ti­ful gold­en pago­da with spi­rals reach­ing towards the sky. But look at lit­tle clos­er and you’ll see that this pago­da serves a deep­er pur­pose. The Well of Shad­ows stands to memo­ri­al­ize the lives bru­tal­ly lost dur­ing the Khmer Rouge. This mon­u­ment is not for the faint of heart, as you’ll be greet­ed by human skulls and bones – many with vis­i­ble gun­shot holes- encased in a large glass box. Below them are relics depict­ing the hor­rors that took place dur­ing this dark time, includ­ing tor­ture and killings. To get there, ride your bicy­cle or motor­bike along the east side of the Sangkar Riv­er and you’ll meet the Well of Shad­ows approx­i­mate­ly 6 kilo­me­ters north of Bat­tam­bang.

5. Go on a Free Walking Tour

Yes, free. The walk­ing tour leaves from the Cen­tral mar­ket, (also called the Phsar Nath Mar­ket) at 4pm when the weath­er is cool. Your tour guide takes you around the cen­tral area point­ing out French archi­tec­ture and his­tor­i­cal sites, while bring­ing you by some yum­my fruit stands and local shops. You don’t have to buy any­thing and no one will pres­sure you, but it’s all part of the fun to sam­ple some treats and this is how they can make the tour free. You’ll fin­ish your walk at around 6pm, just in time to ask for din­ner sug­ges­tions. This free walk­ing tour is a great way to get acquaint­ed with the city and will give you points of ref­er­ence for the rest of your time in Bat­tam­bang.

6. Hike to the Killing Cave

Tie your sneak­ers up tight and head off on the gor­geous moun­tain trail where mon­keys wan­der, birds sing, and swarms of bats fly near sun­set. You’ll pass peace­ful pago­das, mon­u­ments, and stat­ues- all lead­ing to a stark­ly dif­fer­ent memo­r­i­al. Once you even­tu­al­ly reach the caves, pre­pare your­self to learn about the hor­rors that plagues this area dur­ing the Khmer Rouge’s reign of ter­ror. As you descend into the cave, you’ll notice the con­trast between nat­ur­al beau­ty and man­made hor­ror. Once inside, there will be a muse­um of human bones lin­ing the perime­ter of the cave. Look above through the sky­light. This is there the Khmer Rouge mur­dered inno­cent fam­i­lies and schol­ars, then push­ing their bod­ies to fall into the very cave in which you are stand­ing.

7. Experience Village Life

Go local by sup­port­ing local entre­pre­neur tour guides and the rur­al vil­lages in the Bat­tam­bang area. Take a day tour with Savet, a local Bat­tam­bang guide who is edu­cat­ed, respect­ed, and well known for giv­ing tourists an unfor­get­table local expe­ri­ence. Come pre­pared for a full 9–10 hour day of tuk tuk excur­sions over bumpy roads and bicy­cle cruis­es around small vil­lages. You’ll ride the bam­boo train, eat an authen­tic Khmer lunch, learn how tra­di­tion­al Cam­bo­di­an hand­i­crafts are made, and inter­act with locals. You’ll vis­it the killing caves, wit­ness swarms of bats, and watch the sun­set. The tour is all-inclu­sive with food, drinks, trans­port, park fees, and even a hat to keep you cool.

8. Sip at a Winery

https://www.instagram.com/p/BJxT5V4jgE2/?tagged=phnombanan Prasat Phnom Banan Win­ery is your chance to taste a vari­ety of wine like you’ll find no place else. Cambodia’s only win­ery, this unique vine­yard grows their very own organ­ic grapes to make some unique blends. They grow shi­raz and caber­net sauvi­gnon grapes to make some incred­i­ble reds and they also grow a spe­cial genus of Black Queen and Black Opal grapes to make a bub­bly rose. To get there, hire a tuk tuk or ride your motor­bike 16 kilo­me­ters out­side of Bat­tam­bang where you can spend an hour tast­ing for a small fee.

9. Kampong Pil Pagoda

https://www.instagram.com/p/BlNv1FZgO8G/?tagged=kampongpilpagoda The adven­ture starts before you even arrive at Kam­pong Pil Pago­da. First, you’ll have to cross the long bam­boo sus­pen­sion bridge built over a flow­ing riv­er which swings with every step. Move aside when dar­ing locals ride their motor­bike across and hold on tight. Once you reach the pago­da, your heart might be rac­ing a bit. A calm wan­der around the premis­es is enough to take you back to a peace­ful cen­ter. A tra­di­tion­al pago­da with a gold­en roof and white walls, Kam­pon Pil is total­ly pic­turesque. What makes this pago­da unique, how­ev­er, are the Bud­dha stat­ues, the Angko­ri­an peo­ple sculp­tures, and the mas­sive reclin­ing Bud­dha on site. It’s a col­or­ful place with cheer­ful ener­gy and lots of pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties.

10. Go on a Cycling Tour

For just around $16, you can spend the day with your own per­son­al bicy­cle guide who will show you around the coun­try­side of Cam­bo­dia where you’ll immerse your­self in Khmer cul­ture and get glimpses of pure nat­ur­al beau­ty. When you bike with Free Cycling Tours, there is a heavy food ele­ment that includes stops at dif­fer­ent shops and work­shops to intro­duce you to rice paper, banana chips, rice wine, bam­boo sticky rice, fish paste, and a local mar­ket full of local goods. In between, you will cycle in the coun­try­side along bright green rice pad­dies, through small vil­lage neigh­bor­hoods, and down charm­ing red dirt roads. By the end you’ll have unfor­get­table expe­ri­ences, a full bel­ly, and a new friend. This trip is absolute­ly a must-do in Bat­tam­bang.

11. Banan Temple

It’s such a sur­re­al expe­ri­ence to vis­it this Angko­ri­an tem­ple with over­grown green jun­gle vines locat­ed up a set of erod­ing old­en brick stairs in the mid­dle of nowhere. Built at the end of the 12th cen­tu­ry, it’s a mir­a­cle that these struc­tures are still stand­ing. Make your way up the steps of steep stairs lead­ing to a plat­form with 5 sep­a­rate build­ings that make up this tem­ple. From the tem­ple, you can see gor­geous views of the Sangk­er Riv­er, palm tree forests, and farm­ing fields of green rice pad­dies. On clear days, you can also get a view of the croc­o­dile-shaped moun­tain to the south. There will be lots of ven­dors, beg­gars, and locals sell­ing reli­gious hand­i­crafts along the way.

12. Killing Field at Wat Samrong Knong

It’s a dis­grace that hap­pened all over the coun­try. The Khmer Rouge took the most sacred grounds and turned them into killing fields. Wat Sam­rong Knong is no dif­fer­ent. This pris­tine tem­ple in Bat­tam­bang is one of the old­est in the province. Built in 1707, this tem­ple is unlike oth­ers that you’ve seen as it has been built with a com­bi­na­tion of cement, brick, and wood. These ele­ments com­bined are so aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing that you could study it all day. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that isn’t all there is to see here. There is a mon­u­ment to pay respect to the some 10,000 Cam­bo­di­ans that lost their lives here dur­ing the sense­less geno­cide dur­ing the Khmer Rouge. Tip: With monks present at this tem­ple, it’s impor­tant to dress mod­est­ly.

13. The Cambodian Cheese Factory

Don’t get too excit­ed, there isn’t actu­al­ly any cheese here. Instead, this “cheese fac­to­ry” is where fish paste is made. If you are a seafood lover who doesn’t mind the smell of fish, a vis­it to this fac­to­ry makes for a pret­ty inter­est­ing excur­sion. They call it “cheese” for its creamy yet cur­dy tex­ture and for it’s pun­gent smell. Cam­bo­di­ans absolute­ly love their “cheese” in mul­ti­ple dish­es, as you will learn. On your vis­it, you’ll get to taste the cheese straight up and will also have the chance to order the cheese in local dish­es. The name of this cheese fac­to­ry in Bat­tam­bang is ‘Pra­hoc Fac­to­ry’ locat­ed 7.5 kilo­me­ters north of Bat­tam­bang.

14. Battambang Circus

Sup­port stu­dent artists by join­ing the audi­ence at Phare Pon­leu Sel­pak, Battambang’s live­ly cir­cus. Unlike oth­er cir­cus­es who get bad rep­u­ta­tions for exploit­ing peo­ple and ani­mals, this cir­cus is exact­ly the oppo­site. In fact, Phare Pon­leu Sel­pak is run by a Cam­bo­di­an NGO that aims takes street kids and youth from rough back­grounds, and gives them a chance to learn new forms of art to express them­selves and make a liv­ing. The cir­cus per­for­mance is full of excite­ment. There are Angko­ri­an-era dances, acro­bat­ic artists, mind-blow­ing jug­glers, and more. Just two nights a week, make sure to sched­ule this incred­i­ble evening ahead of time.

15. HUMAN Gallery – Joseba Etxebarria Photography

An artist and a human­ist, Jose­ba Etxe­bar­ria has cre­at­ed a tru­ly extra­or­di­nary art gallery con­cept here in Bat­tam­bang. Vis­it his gallery to see breath­tak­ing por­traits he has tak­en of peo­ple from all around the world. Then, you can kick your feet up and have a real cup of cof­fee made with fresh beans and arti­san skill. When you vis­it this gallery, you are also con­tribut­ing to a well deserv­ing local NGO called Wings for the Future. 20% of sales of the cof­fee, art pieces, and * go towards bet­ter­ing the lives of extreme­ly impov­er­ished chil­dren liv­ing in Boeng Raing, a com­mu­ni­ty just north of Bat­tam­bang. Mr. Etxe­bar­ria is often hang­ing around the gallery and is extreme­ly wel­com­ing in dis­cus­sion about his project. 
  This con­tent have just copied and past­ed from https://www.thecrazytourist.com/15-best-things-to-do-in-battambang-cambodia/. and soon we will re-edited 
Our Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Guide is more able to help you to trip from place to place. here is your guide in the town of Bat­tam­bang https://cambodiandrivers.com/option/battambang-taxi-tuk-tuk-driver-guide/