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Home»Option»Killing Fields Choeung Ek Phnom Penh

Killing Fields Choeung Ek Phnom Penh

The Killing Fields, also known as Choe­ung Ek Memo­r­i­al, is a site to exe­cute those of the impris­oned who had been jailed in Toul Sleng prison for while and after the impris­oned con­fessed the mis­takes that Khmer cadres want­ed them to sound out the site of Killing Fields is locat­ed about About 17 km south of Phnom Penh City, it is one of the many killing fields and offi­cial site to kill those peo­ple who against the regime of Demo­c­ra­t­ic of Kam­puchea “Demo­c­ra­t­ic of Cam­bo­dia” most­ly those offi­cials who from the last era.  the year of exe­cu­tion and bur­ial grounds used by the Khmer Rouge regime dur­ing its rule of the coun­try from 1975 April 17 till to 1979 Jan­u­ary 07.  it was a place where more than 17,000 civil­ians were killed and buried in mass graves; many of them trans­port­ed here after deten­tion and tor­ture in Toul Sleng. This place is a chill­ing reminder of the bru­tal­i­ties of the geno­ci­dal Khmer Rouge regime. In the cen­ter of the area is a 17 sto­ry glass stu­pa which hous­es 8000 skulls exhumed from mass graves. Open daily.Note: Both Tuol Sleng Muse­um and the Killing Fields exhibits may be dis­turb­ing for some and aren’t suit­able for younger chil­dren and adults who are eas­i­ly shocked.