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Cambodia Construction Businesses

Cam­bo­dia Con­struc­tion Busi­ness­es is a sin­gle day grow­ing busi­ness across the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia, in the last ten years the coun­try’s con­struc­tions are being well growth that is range from small house or small build­ings to sky and and also high build­ings. and the most con­struc­tion sites are phnom penh city, Sihanoukville town, Siem Reap and oth­er provinces around the coun­try. the reports from inter­net ”      . A con­struc­tion boom has tak­en hold of the Cam­bo­di­an cap­i­tal, with a range of com­mer­cial and res­i­den­tial projects spring­ing up across Phnom Penh at a grow­ing rate. 
  • These projects are get­ting big­ger in scale.  Afford­able hous­ing projects, con­do­mini­ums, hotels, lifestyle malls and office build­ings are the trend.
  • Accord­ing to CBRE’s lat­est avail­able report, the cap­i­tal has as of Q4 2019, 17,995 con­do units in Phnom Penh, a 27 per­cent increase from the same peri­od in 2018.
  • The Phnom Penh Hotel Mar­ket Update 2020 reports there are 313 hotels with 19,337 keys and 523 guest hous­es in Phnom Penh in 2020.
  • Chi­na remains the country’s largest source of FDI into the Cam­bo­di­an real estate with 58.8% (over $262 mil­lion) fol­lowed by Sin­ga­pore, USA and South Korea..
  • Cambodia’s first shop­ping mall opened its doors in the cap­i­tal in June 2014 in the form of Aeon Mall. Its suc­cess helped pave the way for sim­i­lar projects. The sec­ond giant Aeon 2 Mall opened in Phnom Penh in 2018 in Sen Sok and oth­er major malls in the cap­i­tal include Exchange Square, Olympia Mall, and Chip Mong NORO Mall with many more under development.
  • The biggest malls in Phnom Penh under con­struc­tion by 2020 include Aeon 3, and the Phnom Penh Mega Mall.”
http://www.cambodiayp.com/company/60534/Cambodia_Shooting_Ranges So, if you would like to buy land to con­struct your love­ly, house, vil­las, con­dos and any­thing else then we are more than hap­py to sort you out for the case Every con­struc­tions is need a good law writer to arti­cle it to the Cam­bo­dia Min­istry of land Man­age­ment and Con­struc­tion office. and then the Pri­vate Attor­ney of Cam­bo­dia is help­ful for it Please feel free to send me an email for more details that’s relat­ed to your future con­struc­tion plans in the king­dom of Cambodia