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Home»Option»Shopping Central Russian Market Phnom Penh

Shopping Central Russian Market Phnom Penh

Cen­tral mar­ket in phnom penh is a yel­low and domed build­ing and it was a super shop­ping mall in the last 1902 [br]

This huge gold­en domed mar­ket in the cen­ter of Phnom Penh has lit­er­al­ly every item you could ever want to buy while on vaca­tion. Need sun­glass­es? They have hun­dreds. In the mar­ket for a knock-off NBA cap? They’ve got every team rep­re­sent­ed. Look­ing for children’s clothes to send back to your niece and nephew? Out­fit them like an adorable Khmer kid. You could eas­i­ly spend hours wan­der­ing this market.

When you get hun­gry, they’ve got row after row of Khmer food stands sell­ing fried fish, hot soup, and an array of fried bugs and spiders.

Bring your cam­era as there are plen­ty of nov­el things to see here. Or if you have more time to take a look at the Russ­ian which it’s about 15–25 min­utes dri­ve from the cen­tral market


ccim­age-shut­ter­stock. Cen­tral Mar­ket in Phnom Penh


the russ­ian mar­ket in phnom penh offers some sou­venirs of hand­i­craft prod­uct like sil­ver, silk crafts. the mar­ket was tak­en name by Russ­ian expats dur­ing com­mu­nist peri­od in 1980 after the khmer regime top­pled by a group of Cam­bo­di­an who joined the mis­sion with Viet­namese troops backed by Russ­ian gov­ern­ment. the khmer regime fin­ished by 1979 Jan 07.

Russ­ian mar­ket in Phnom Penh