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Home»Cambodia sightseeing Tours»Battambang things to do Tourist Sites

Battambang things to do Tourist Sites

Battambang things to do Tourist Sites

Bat­tam­bang is a coun­try­side and the biggest coun­ty of Cam­bo­dia and it’s locat­ed on north­west­ern Cam­bo­dia, also it’s one of the big­ger com­mer­cial towns and num­ber 2 of a mod­ern city after Phnom Penh. it was found­ed in the 11th cen­tu­ry by the Cam­bo­dia king, Bat­tam­bang is the num­ber one in lead­ing rice-pro­duc­ing province of the coun­try. If we are leav­ing from Phnom Penh to the town of Bat­tam­bang province we are able to go through nation­al road num­ber 5 and it’s approx­i­mate­ly take 5–6 hours, 8 hours by nation­al road num­ber 6 by pri­vate cars. And 90–120 min­utes, leav­ing from Siem Reap town

Bat­tam­bang city is called  Sangkae city and it’s a Riv­er in the town. the sight­see­ing in the town it can be spent 1–2 approx­i­mate­ly then let trav­el straight to Phnom Penh of Siem Reap city. 

the stat­ue of Bat­tam­bang sym­bol, called lost of stick grandfather



Top 10 Things to do in Battambang

Nes­tled along the tran­quil banks of the Sangkae Riv­er in north­west­ern Cam­bo­dia, Bat­tam­bang awaits eager trav­el­ers with a tapes­try of cul­tur­al rich­es, nat­ur­al won­ders, and immer­sive expe­ri­ences. From ancient tem­ples to vibrant mar­kets and scenic coun­try­side, this charm­ing city offers a pletho­ra of activ­i­ties to cap­ti­vate the hearts of vis­i­tors seek­ing authen­tic Cam­bo­di­an adven­tures.

1. Explore the Battambang Countryside:

Embark on a leisure­ly bicy­cle or tuk-tuk tour through the pic­turesque coun­try­side sur­round­ing Bat­tam­bang. Mar­vel at lush rice pad­dies, quaint vil­lages, and tra­di­tion­al stilt hous­es, immers­ing your­self in the rhythms of rur­al Cam­bo­di­an life.

2. Discover Ancient Temples:

Uncov­er the secrets of Bat­tam­bang’s rich his­to­ry by vis­it­ing ancient tem­ples such as Wat Banan and Wat Ek Phnom. These awe-inspir­ing struc­tures, dat­ing back to the Angko­ri­an era, offer glimpses into Cam­bo­di­a’s sto­ried past and show­case exquis­ite archi­tec­tur­al crafts­man­ship.

3. Ride the Bamboo Train:

Expe­ri­ence the thrill of rid­ing the icon­ic bam­boo train, known local­ly as the “Nor­rie” Zip along rus­tic tracks through ver­dant coun­try­side aboard a makeshift bam­boo plat­form, soak­ing in panoram­ic views and embrac­ing the essence of Cam­bo­di­an rail travel.  the ride to enjoy while you are walk­ing around Bat­tam­bang city is Bam­boo train it’s a ride to dri­ve pad­dy rice fields, lit­tle moun­tain­ous areas Read More

4. Wander Through Psar Nat Market:

Immerse your­self in the vibrant ambiance of Psar Nat Mar­ket, Bat­tam­bang’s bustling cen­tral mar­ket. Stroll through labyrinthine aisles filled with col­or­ful stalls sell­ing every­thing from fresh pro­duce and local del­i­ca­cies to hand­i­crafts and sou­venirs.

5. Marvel at Phnom Sampeau:

Ven­ture to the sacred hill of Phnom Sam­peau, where ancient pago­das and shrines perch atop lime­stone cliffs. Wit­ness the breath­tak­ing spec­ta­cle of mil­lions of bats emerg­ing from the caves at dusk, cre­at­ing mes­mer­iz­ing rib­bons of flight across the twi­light sky.

6. Visit the Killing Caves:

Pay homage to Cam­bo­di­a’s trag­ic past at the Killing Caves of Phnom Sam­peau. Explore cav­ernous cham­bers that served as sites of mass exe­cu­tions dur­ing the Khmer Rouge regime, and reflect on the resilience of the Cam­bo­di­an peo­ple in the face of adver­si­ty.

7. Experience Cambodian Circus:

Be mes­mer­ized by the cap­ti­vat­ing per­for­mances of Phare Pon­leu Sel­pak, a renowned Cam­bo­di­an cir­cus troupe. Wit­ness a fusion of acro­bat­ics, the­ater, and con­tem­po­rary dance as tal­ent­ed artists show­case their skills and share pow­er­ful sto­ries of resilience and hope.

8. Indulge in Khmer Cuisine:

Savor the fla­vors of authen­tic Khmer cui­sine at local eater­ies and street food stalls scat­tered through­out Bat­tam­bang. Delight your taste buds with aro­mat­ic cur­ries, savory noo­dle dish­es, and delec­table snacks, expe­ri­enc­ing the culi­nary delights of Cam­bo­dia.

9. Take a Cooking Class:

Immerse your­self in the art of Khmer cook­ing with a hands-on cook­ing class led by local chefs. Learn to pre­pare tra­di­tion­al dish­es using fresh ingre­di­ents sourced from local mar­kets, and gain insights into the vibrant fla­vors and culi­nary tech­niques of Cam­bo­di­an cui­sine.

10. Cruise Along the Sangkae River:

Embark on a scenic boat cruise along the tran­quil waters of the Sangkae Riv­er. Drift past ver­dant land­scapes, lush man­groves, and charm­ing river­side vil­lages, soak­ing in the seren­i­ty of Cam­bo­di­a’s rur­al coun­try­side.


Bat­tam­bang beck­ons trav­el­ers with a myr­i­ad of expe­ri­ences that cel­e­brate the rich tapes­try of Cam­bo­di­an cul­ture, his­to­ry, and nat­ur­al beau­ty. Whether explor­ing ancient tem­ples, sam­pling local del­i­ca­cies, or cruis­ing along scenic water­ways, vis­i­tors are sure to cre­ate cher­ished mem­o­ries that linger long after their jour­ney through this enchant­i­ng city. The best part about the bam­boo train is when two trains face off on one track and the one with the less heavy load is forced to dis­man­tle and let the oth­er one pass. The price should be for an entire nori which can car­ry four peo­ple, but they will try and charge more (and give kick­backs to your tuk tuk dri­ver). Don’t pay more than $10 per per­son. While this is con­sid­ered a “must-do” by some, per­son­al­ly we can take it or leave it.