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Battambang Taxi Tuk Tuk Driver Guide

Greet­ing Bat­tam­a­bang City, 

Bat­tam­bang is still one of the Cam­bo­di­a’s pop­u­lar tourist des­ti­na­tions and the city of Bat­tam­bang is a city on the Sangkae Riv­er in north­west­ern Cam­bo­dia. When you are arriv­ing to the Bat­tam­bang city then you should be spend­ing for few hours to see some of yel­low build­ings in city cen­ter of Bat­tam­bang, and the yel­low is the sym­bols of French colo­nial build­ings. Yes, to see those of the ele­gant hous­es and then a need of local Eng­lish speak­ing guide and work­ing as a Tuk Tuk or Taxi dri­vers in Bat­tam­bang town then lets the group of Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental’s guides and dri­vers in Bat­tam­bang show you around the town


Think­ing of going to Batam­bang town of Cam­bo­dia, then seek­ing for an authen­tic Bat­tam­bang Taxi Tuk Tuk Dri­ver Guide to go to around town and it’s province ? Here is going to be a good chance for our Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental group to pro­vide you of one of our local ser­vice guides with our Tuk Tuk or Taxi to all of you [br][br]

Hel­lo Every­one, my name is Dy,  I am cur­rent­ly liv­ing and work­ing in Bat­tam­bang town as a local of Eng­lish speak­ing Tuk Tuk Taxi driver/guide, the life of the local tour guide and also dri­ver in Bat­tam­bang town and around the province has been start­ed since the year i mar­ried to my wife in 2015, and I am orig­i­nal­ly, immi­grat­ed from Phnom Penh, the cap­i­tal and biggest city of Cam­bo­dia . When I was stay­ing in Phnom Penh i also worked as self employed guide, free­lance guide and dri­ver. [br][br]

Bat­tam­bang is Cam­bo­di­a’s sec­ond-largest city and the cap­i­tal of Bat­tam­bang Province, which was found­ed in the 11th cen­tu­ry. It is the for­mer cap­i­tal of Mon­ton Kmer and lies in the heart of the North­west of Cam­bo­dia. Until the war years, in which almost every infra­struc­ture was destruc­t­ed it was the lead­ing rice-pro­duc­ing province of the coun­try. [br][br]

The name Bat­tam­bang or Bat­tam­bang, lit­er­al­ly means “loss of stick” refer­ring to a leg­end of the Preah Bat Dambang Kran­houng (Kran­houng Stick King). The pop­u­la­tion is nowa­days around 250,000 peo­ple . It’s a river­side town, home to some of the best-pre­served, French colo­nial archi­tec­ture in the country.

I am “Dy” very ded­i­cat­ed to the world­wide tourists who are look­ing to Cam­bo­di­a’s Bat­tam­bang and try­ing to know what else Bat­tam­bang can see then feel free 

If any­one of you are com­ing to Bat­tam­bang for your hol­i­day or work­ing con­di­tion and feel­ing a need of pri­vate dri­ver as your guide to go through in/out of the town and province then please feel free give the job to me to serve you all. [br][br]

Bam­boo Train is still pop­u­lar ride in Bat­tam­bang Town

a pic­ture above is one of the Bat­tam­bang thing to do, it lets to enjoy and explore some of the green pad­dy rice fields, and the green­ery pad­dy rice fields can be see­ing it while rainy season

Thanks for vis­it­ing Bat­tam­bang and around Cam­bo­dia. Feel free to con­tact us