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Cambodia Elephant Sanctuary

Cam­bo­dia Ele­phant Sanc­tu­ar­ies can be vis­it­ing at some of the Cam­bo­di­a’s ter­ri­to­ry and most of the Cam­bo­dia ele­phant sanc­tu­ar­ies are locat­ed in deeply jun­gles, closed to val­ley, water­falls and moun­tains or well know as moun­tain­ous areas, there are bel­low some­things i would like to share to you, all those of the sanc­tu­ar­ies i vis­it­ed while I was work­ing for every­one from a dif­fer­ence coun­tries of our planet.
Vis­it­ing the ele­phant sanc­tu­ar­ies across Cam­bo­dia is about see­ing the coun­try through your eyes by going from place to place to vis­it  or day to day vis­it­ing style, and also you are going to hav­ing a great time to see Cam­bo­dia ele­gant natures while trav­el­ing from site to site.
Ele­phants in those of the sanc­tu­ar­ies are very calm and love­ly and they like to play with 
Here is the tip to get your whole trips are more worths:
The best tip to make all of  your trips get more to inside of the local cul­tures is a pick­ing up a knowl­edgable of local guide and also let the guide work­ing for you as your pri­vate guide/driver, this is the most essen­tial key to go through into Cam­bo­dia site from a place to oth­er places around coun­try­side, this is what we are been called per­son­al tour guide and driver.
To see those of the inter­est­ed of ele­phant sanc­tu­ar­ies in those some of loca­tion in Cam­bo­dia then let your trip be with  Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental Www.CambodianDrivers.Com, to see the Cam­bo­dia Beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al, all the ele­phant sanc­tu­ar­ies are lay­ing down in deep jun­gles of the countrysides
Hel­lo Every­one, My nam is pho, I am cur­rent­ly work­ing as one of the Cam­bo­dia free­lancer tour guides and also dri­ver, i can be your per­son­al dri­ver and Eng­lish well speak­ing guide here are the con­tent bel­low is relat­ed my pre­vi­ous trips that i went to see the dif­fer­ences of ele­phant camps around Cambodia.
I have vis­it­ed some the sanc­tu­ar­ies around Cam­bo­dia like, Kulen Sanc­tu­ary in Siem Reap, Tamao moun­tain Sanc­tu­ary in Kan­dal coun­ty, Mon­dulkiri Ele­phant Sanc­tu­ary with a trib­al group, in Mon­dulkiri province and Ratanakiri of Aira­va­ta Ele­phant Foundation
The most inter­est­ing Sanc­tu­ary for me among those of the ele­phant sanc­tu­ar­ies is the one in Ratanakiri town, it’s called Aira­va­ta Ele­phant Foun­da­tion the address of the Aira­va­ta is along water canal and also water­falls, i do real­ly falling in love with the baby ele­phant it’s hum­ble and smart, it’s like to play with humans (when I was walk­ing towards to them then the baby ele­phant also was trav­el­ing direct to us too.
The most inter­est­ed thing for me (at the sanc­tu­ary) is rid­ing on ele­phant back, then if you every­one of you are going to vis­it the sanc­tu­ary, most­ly it’s going to be a great chance for you to ride on ele­phant to go round the deep jun­gle of the long moun­tain­ous range, once you are stay­ing or rid­ing on the top of ele­phan­t’s back let mahout guide you to go around. And maybe it’s the only camp that you every­one who have long wish to stay on top of ele­phant back, then the site is able to turn the long year come true
I went to dif­fer­ences of the Cam­bo­dia ele­phant sanc­tu­ary  and i asked to ride on the ele­phant to go around the for­est but i got reject­ed by those of man­agers in the regions at the ele­phant sanctuary 
Take a look at some of tak­en pho­tos that I took my hap­pi­ness cus­tomers when he was play­ing by tak­ing self­ie with ele­phant baby, and also the baby ele­phant pulled his hair up and blew air to him 
Lat­ly, Think­ing of going around Cam­bo­dia then let one of our groups of Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental bring you to go every­where you wanted
Ded­i­cate to peo­ple who wish to vis­it Cam­bo­dia by land then let get in touch with us through Www.CambodianDrivers.Com