
Cambodian Drivers Taxi Car Rental

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Cambodian Drivers Taxi Car Rental

Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental is the lead­ing car rental with­in private/personal Cam­bo­dia Taxi Dri­ver ser­vice group, our group are very select­ed Eng­lish speak­ing dri­vers, we have vari­eties trans­porta­tions such as Tuk Tuks, Taxi cabs, mini bus­es and big bus­es. We pro­vide car rental ser­vice to every­one who need local guides as your pri­vate work­ers to go through Cam­bo­dia, for hol­i­day or work­ing con­di­tions. We are able to talk to you with your native lan­guage The Expe­ri­ence with­in the dri­ving Taxi Cars as the local guide, the job work­ing as Cam­bo­dia Taxi Dri­ver and Eng­lish Spo­ken Dri­ver Guide, as Cam­bo­dia num­ber one local guide had been start­ed since 1995 and We are still being con­tin­ued to present days. Even­tu­al­ly, some of the dri­vers are still avail­able in the dri­ving job and some are already switched the job by get­ting dif­fer­ence works, but younger gen­er­a­tions “sons” are become it’s suc­ces­sor of the dri­ving busi­ness 😁. More­over, we are more hap­py to escort our valu­able cus­tomers to go to around Cam­bo­dia, if we got hired to go through the coun­try. PLEASE GIVE US A CHANCE TO SERVE YOU ALL Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers is found by a Cam­bo­di­an adven­tur­ous guy who likes take adven­tur­ing around Cam­bo­dia and work­ing as a per­son­al tour guide, dri­ver, meeting/talking to all peo­ple across Cam­bo­dia for every­one likes to visit/work in the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia, from cap­i­tal of Phnom Penh to coun­try­side. The pri­vate tour guide/driver job was start­ed since 2012 at the time he was study­ing Eng­lish at Uni­ver­si­ty in Phnom Penh of Cam­bo­dia. And he’s now still liv­ing in the cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia to serve valu­able world­wide trav­el­ers who is vis­it­ing the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia. What are Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers doing, We pro­vide pri­vate taxi/car rental ser­vice to any­one of you who would like to have; 
  1. dai­ly taxi car rental ser­vice with your Eng­lish per­son­al speak­ing dri­ver to trav­el around main cities of Cam­bo­dia. Long or short dis­tance in those Cam­bo­di­a’s city where you are at, or inter­cross­ing from a town to oth­er dif­fer­ence town
  2.  Week­ly indi­vid­ual car/taxi rental ser­vice with dri­ver for your Cam­bo­dia Hol­i­day Sight­see­ing Tour, Work­ing Missions
  3. Month­ly car/taxi rental ser­vice with dri­ver or with­out dri­ver for you to trav­el in the king­dom of Cambodia
  4. year­ly car/taxi rental ser­vice with dri­ver or with­out dri­ver for you to trav­el in the king­dom of Cambodia
  5. we are also pro­vid­ing Cam­bo­di­a’s pack­aged tours and  if you are from over­sea then look­ing for car rental with a driver/guide to go to around Cam­bo­dia, then we are more than hap­py to be your local guide.
  6. More details please feel free to con­tact us for more.…
This is the hard work we got from client, Tri­pAd­vi­sor Our team, our part­ners, our know-how and our expe­ri­ence will allow you to get the best price/quality ratio for a trip to Cam­bo­dia  whether you are an indi­vid­ual , a trav­el agency or a tour oper­a­tor. Here is the evi­dence of our work­ing expe­ri­ence with those of peo­ple vis­it­ed Cam­bo­dia in the past years left the excel­lence cer­tifi­cates that we have been receiv­ing from the world­wide cus­tomers are the core hard­ly work and also hon­est­ly we have gave those glob­al clients. Imag­i­na­tion of going Cam­bo­dia and feel­ing the need of local guide to escort you, Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental is your asso­ci­at­ed for your short or longer trip /staying in Cam­bo­dia. PLEASE GIVE US A CHANCE TO SERVE YOU ALL Here is to view what else has said about us in TripAdvisor