
Cambodian Drivers Taxi Car Rental

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Home»Option»Phnom Penh Sihanoukville Private Car Business Trip

Phnom Penh Sihanoukville Private Car Business Trip

Greet­ing! To all of Cam­bo­dia Busi­ness Trips Trav­el­ers who wished to take an adven­ture from abroad to Cam­bo­dia for sev­er­al mis­sions, the arti­cles is going to talk about dri­ving from Phnom Penh Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to Sihanoukville, the trip I was work­ing as a pri­vate taxi dri­ver, that just drove straight to from hotel to work­ing place and then back to hotel. 

Pick­ing up loca­tion is Phnom Penh Inter­na­tion­al Airpot

Pick­ing Up time is 6pm 
Dura­tion of the trav­el­ing is 4–5 hours drive 
Length of the Work­ing 3 days and 3 night

Think­ing of your work­ing mis­sion around Cam­bo­dia then con­sid­er­ing about the Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental are able to bring you to through­out the coun­try, and it doesn’t a prob­lem you are on vaca­tion, busi­ness plans, have some talk to local peo­ple, translation/interpretation from Eng­lish to our language

The group is the select­ed of Eng­lish spo­ken can­di­dates and qual­i­fied to suite your works at any of your requirements

Let see the work go through, on 22nd of May 2022 at around 4.30pm I have decid­ed to leave city cen­ter to go to

23rd May 2022, after break­fast, I went to straight to greet my cus­tomer at him hotel “the hotel is called Mary Beach Resort” to his meet­ing site, locat­ed is in Sihanoukville town then at around noon I drove him for PCR tests “pcr test” and had a good lunch togeth­er after the good lunch fin­ished I brought him to go to con­tin­ue his dis­cus­sion with the Chi­nese firm

Let­ter on today evening the meet­ing is com­plete­ly fin­ished I took him to the hotel and he had some clothes changed for din­ner and beer a clock ⏰

24th May, get Covid test cer­tifi­cate and had a long dri­ve before lunch after lunch drove to Phnom Penh city before I am tak­ing him to the Phnom Penh inter­na­tion­al air­port we had a last spot at Japan­ese restau­rant and had some food and beers in the restaurant

Here, bel­low is a nice video of Sihanoukville Otres beach 

If you were seek­ing for a great hol­i­day and work­ing con­di­tion in the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia then  feel free con­tact us CambodianDrivers.Com for a bet­ter help trip to around

the work­ing as a self employ­ment has been more than a decade, been through the coun­try­side by dri­ving from a city to hun­dreds of vil­lages across the country.