
Cambodian Drivers Taxi Car Rental

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Siem Reap Private Taxi Driver

Going around the city of Siem Reap and the town of Cam­bo­dia with­in your pri­vate Siem Reap Taxi Dri­vers, and its not a prob­lem you are on vaca­tions of work­ing pur­pos­es, all the work as pub­lic trans­porta­tion is the job i have been worked so far, it since i man­aged my Toy­ota Lexus car in 2008 till now. [br]

Hel­lo Every­one, My name is Pov, I am a local Eng­lish speak­ing tour guide in Siem Reap city and also work­ing as a pri­vate taxi dri­ver in the town of ancient tem­ple of Cam­bo­dia city, biggest city of  Cam­bo­dia Tourism. The work as the per­son­al dri­ver and tour guide has begin when I was Tuk Tuk dri­ver and was study­ing Eng­lish lit­er­ater at a pub­lic school then went through to a Uni­ver­si­ty in Phnom Penh. Then i passed my school of Eng­lish in 2014. [br]

In the Siem Reap town and main province is the biggest land of Cam­bo­di­a’s num­ber one Angkor Wat Ancient com­plex tem­ples which it left from 8th cen­tu­ry till 15th cen­tu­ry. And now those of the Cam­bo­di­a’s pop­u­lar vis­it­ed tem­ples are stun­ning for every­one of you to make a great trip to see them and it’s a good time find out the great stun­ning of old tem­ples are still smil­ing to you and you look at the tem­ples. [br]

Fur­ther­more, Siem Reap town is also one of the huge province of Cam­bo­dia coun­ties and the Cam­bo­dia num­ber one attrac­tion tourist des­ti­na­tion for local and over­sea trav­el­ers if  Cam­bo­dian­Drivers com­pare to oth­er near­by city of Cam­bo­dia and the reports was from nation­al and inter­na­tion­al news. Then a pri­va­cy of you local adven­tur­er which he/she can be work­ing work­ing for you as dri­ver and guide is ver nec­es­sary to go through in the Cam­bo­dia for­mer empire, and it’s also good to explore from a tem­ple to oth­er dif­fer­ence tem­ples around Siem Reap town. 


The ben­e­fit of hav­ing a Siem Reap Pri­vate Taxi Dri­ver is a very good option for every­one’s whole trips across Siem Reap town and oth­er des­ti­na­tions some­where else around Cam­bo­dia ter­ri­to­ry. To get a bet­ter under­stand­ing it need you to pick up a knowl­edge­able of Eng­lish well spo­ken taxi dri­ver and he is able to serve you as your per­son­al tour guide then your Siem Reap Angkor Wat trip is turned to be a very mem­o­rable and also unfor­get­table hol­i­day from Cambodia

The expe­ri­ence work­ing as a Siem Reap Pri­vate Taxi Dri­ver For the last 10 years is very enough time to you an unex­pect­ed expe­ri­ence of Cam­bo­dia unseen things, on the oth­er hand, the well expe­ri­ence of dri­ving around Cam­bo­dia is also well to under­stand the dri­ving rules of the coun­try road trip con­di­tions. From the late ten years, I have been drove to up and down Cam­bo­dia, and sure i am able to describe myself ser­vice is the best dri­ving tour guide,  and also I been to every­where or every provinces of Cam­bo­dia, and some­time i have worked as a pri­vate dri­ver, per­son­al trans­la­tor and indi­vid­ual eng­lish speak­ing tour guide.[br][br]

To give every­one of you the best joy­ful hol­i­day from the Cam­bo­dia Dri­vers Group, then the lux­u­ry and very pri­vate SUV car is also a very impor­tance thing for your short­er or longer stay in Cam­bo­dia and it’s very com­fort­able to ride around uncon­di­tion­al of the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia social infra­struc­tures, that’s includ­ed moun­tain­ous, flat areas and bumpy road situations, 

Angkor Wat Ancient Tem­ple of Siem Reap

So, going around Siem Reap and also trav­el­ing to any des­ti­na­tion in the coun­try then you would be inter­est­ed in look­ing for your Cam­bo­dia pri­va­cy dri­ver as local guide ? then please come to me “Pov”, I am the best local guide and dri­ver for going to any adven­tur­ing, across the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia. [br]

Please feel free to con­tact us at the fol­low­ing Email and phone bel­low. CambodianDrivers.Com [br][br] 

We are on https://www.touristlink.com/user/phorobocop.html