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Home»Option»Ta Prohm Temple Bati River Phnom Penh

Ta Prohm Temple Bati River Phnom Penh

Ta Phrom Tem­ple at Ton­le Bati dates back to the late 12th cen­tu­ry, fea­tur­ing well-pre­served stone carv­ings and bas-reliefs of Hin­du mythol­o­gy – this tem­ple is sim­i­lar in style to Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. Acces­si­ble with­in an hour’s dri­ve from Phnom Penh City Cen­tre in the Takeo Province, there’s an entrance fee of US$3 to vis­it the tem­ple, mak­ing it afford­able and con­ve­nient option for trav­el­ers who are stay­ing in the cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia. [br]

Oth­er attrac­tions in Ton­le Bati include Yey Peo Tem­ple (locat­ed 200 metres north of Ta Phrom Tem­ple) and Ton­le Bati Lake, a pop­u­lar pic­nic spot among locals. Great for unwind­ing after vis­it­ing the tem­ples, you can also rent huts and ham­mocks at rel­a­tive­ly low prices.