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Home»Option»Tamao Zoo Mountain Cambodia

Tamao Zoo Mountain Cambodia

Take a tour to Phnom Tamao Zoo and Wildlife Res­cue Cen­tre (PTWRC) – the country’s largest zoo and wildlife sanc­tu­ary that is locat­ed about a 45-minute dri­ve out­side town. Opened in 2000, it is more a wildlife res­cue cen­tre than a zoo, serv­ing as a safe refuge to rare and endan­gered ani­mals res­cued from the clutch­es of poach­ers, traf­fick­ers and ille­gal wildlife traders. [br]

The wildlife cen­tre’s res­i­dents now include over a thou­sand ani­mals plus hun­dreds of exot­ic birds and rep­tiles. Man­aged by the Min­istry of Agriculture’s Forestry Depart­ment with sup­port from WildAid and Free the Bears Fund, the zoo occu­pies about 1,200 hectares land out of a 2,500-hectare for­est pro­tect­ed area of Phnom Tamao that enjoys pic­turesque sur­round­ings com­pris­ing moun­tains and ancient tem­ples such as Phnom Tamao Tem­ple and Thmor Dos Temple.

How to Get to Phnom Tamao Zoo

Phnom Tamao Zoo is sit­u­at­ed in Tro Pang Sap vil­lage, about 35 km south­east of Phnom Penh. It’s eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from Nation­al Road No 2, and a 5‑km trail off the main road leads to the zoo.

In addi­tion to bus­es, tuk tuks are avail­able from the cap­i­tal to reach here. To get a bet­ter idea about the res­i­dents of the zoo, you can hire the ser­vices of Eng­lish-speak­ing guides.