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Home»Packaged»Angkor Temples Sunset Sightseeing Tour
Angkor Temples Sunset Sightseeing Tour
  • Angkor Temples Sunset Sightseeing Tour
Angkor Tem­ple Sun­set Sight­see­ing tour is going to walk you and your friends to go to see the most vis­it­ed tem­ples as list­ed bel­low and the one day is escort­ed by a pri­vate air con­di­tion­al car and a well knowl­edge­able of Eng­lish spo­ken tour guide Tour Overview
  • Angkor Thom
  • South gate of Angkor Thom
  • Bay­on
  • Baphoun
  • Phimeanakas
  • Ter­race of Elephant
  • Ter­race of Lep­er king
  • Ta Prohm
  • Angkor Wat
  • Bak­eng Tem­ple and Sun­set on the top of the moun­tain­ous temple
Itin­er­ary Tour Depar­ture Time is 8.00 Am After  break­fast at your hotel then we are leav­ing straight to see Angkor Wat Tem­ple which it’s one of the World her­itage of Unesco after spend­ing 2 hours inside and out­side of the Angkor Wat  ancient build­ing then we are mov­ing ahead to vis­it the Bay­on and sev­er­al tem­ples in Angkor Thom com­pound like Baphoun, Phimeanakas, Ter­race of Ele­phant , Ter­race of Lep­er king next step is South Gate of Angkor Thom. after 3–4 walk­ing tour then we need to stop at one of a near­by restau­rant to get lunch, lunch­es maybe tak­en 1 to 1 hours and half.   Lunch fin­ished, it time to vis­it Ta Prom tem­ple, it’s one of the top vis­it­ed tem­ple and also a Hol­ly­wood movie and Hol­ly­hood stars filmed there, the leav­ing the Taprom tem­ple for Bak­eng moun­tain­ous tem­ple after that spend min­utes to enjoy beau­ti­ful sun­set on the top of the moun­tain­ous tem­ple. Last­ly back to your hotel   Din­ner with­in Apsara Danc­ing show is one of the most vis­it­ed show, the tour guide is more than hap­py to escort you to enjoy your night meals and watch­ing the Cam­bo­dia tra­di­tion­al danc­ing show. Please feel free be informed the guide before leav­ing the hotel then we are able to process the book­ing for your table Dress Code,  to vis­it the Cam­bo­dia ancient tem­ples, those tem­ples that we are going to vis­it it need every­one to wear a prop­er­ly look­ing clothes, dress­ing is required every­one to cov­er knees “for pants” and shirts need to have longer than shoul­ders. Bel­low is a sug­gest­ed picture 

prop­er­ly shoes are high­ly rec­om­mend­ed for the walk­ing tours

⇒As for the above tours Itin­er­ary, we can arrange addi­tion­al cus­tomized trips for you if it does not match your expec­ta­tions. please go to Cus­tomized Page or shoot an email @ [email protected] Price Tours Pack­age designed for indi­vid­ual, Fam­i­lies and pri­vate group tours
Group Size 1 Per­son 2 Per­sons 3 Per­sons 4 Per­sons 5 Per­sons 6 Per­sons 7 Per­sons 8 Per­son up
Price per person  80 USD  80 USD  80 USD  con­tact us con­tact us con­tact us con­tact us con­tact us
  Tours Includ­ed
  • Tours with Eng­lish speak­ing Tour Guide
  • All trans­fer with pri­vate air-con
  • Ser­vices charge and cur­rent gov­ern­ment VAT tax
  • Drink­ing water and fresh tis­sue for the whole trips
Tours is not Included
  • Meals dur­ing the trip
  • Entran fees “Angkor Wat Tem­ple Pass is 37 USD, per ticket”
  • All oth­er accounts are not men­tioned in the above inclusion
Book the Tour Now
  Terms & Con­di­tions On behalf of man­age­ment and staff, thank you for your vis­it­ing our Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides site. Your use of this site you agree to be bound by con­di­tion­al upon your accep­tance and com­pli­ance with these terms and con­di­tions con­tained in this doc­u­ment and any oth­er notices accept­ed by you on this Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides. We strong­ly sug­gest you to read care­ful­ly before process to pur­chas­es because of this are con­tract between you ‘Cus­tomer’ with us ‘Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides‘ and clear­ly lays out what you have agreed with us. Trav­el Wish to Can­cel the Tours & Hotel Booking   Trav­el­er can can­cel the tour before the dead­line of can­cel­la­tion, oth­er wish, can­cel­la­tion charges will be applied depend on due to peri­od of can­cel­la­tion. The date of trip or book­ing can­cel­la­tion is the date on which the writ­ten can­cel­la­tion is received by com­pa­ny. These are cal­cu­lat­ed from the day writ­ten noti­fi­ca­tion is received by the Com­pa­ny or their autho­rized trav­el agent as a per­cent­age of the total tour price per per­son can­celling, includ­ing sur­charges but exclud­ing any amend­ment charges and any insur­ance pay­ment. CONCELLATION POLICY:
  • 15 to No show 100 % charge
  • 24 to 16 days 50 % of the tour price
  • 29 to 25 days up 10 % of the tour price
  • 30 days up no charge
If you vol­un­tar­i­ly leave a trip for any rea­son after the trip has begun no refunds will be made. Refunds will be at the dis­cre­tion of Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides if you are invol­un­tar­i­ly forced to leave a trip for any rea­son. All can­cel­la­tion charged fee above are not inclu­sive of cred­it card sur­charge fee on first trans­ac­tion of your pay­ment. Why We Do Can­cel Your Tours ? Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides reserves the right to can­cel any trip before it is guar­an­teed to depar­ture, but will not can­cel a tour less than 29 days before run. A trip is guar­an­teed to run once it has one ful­ly-paid trav­el­er. We are reserves the right to can­cel any trip, includ­ing a guar­an­teed trip, at any time pri­or to depar­ture due force majeure (War, Riots, Civ­il, Dis­tur­bance, Strikes, Nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, Ter­ror­ists activ­i­ties of threat of such, clo­sure of air­port or can­cel­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al or domes­tic air time table ser­vices, polit­i­cal insta­bil­i­ty or oth­er exter­nal events which make it unvi­able for Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides to oper­ate the planned sched­ule. You will be have right to choose between an alter­na­tive trip and a full refund. We are not respon­si­ble for any inci­den­tal expens­es that you may have incurred as a result of your book­ing such as visas fee, vac­ci­na­tions fee, non-refund­able flights, etc. If the alter­na­tive trip cho­sen is of a low­er val­ue than that orig­i­nal­ly booked then you are enti­tled to a refund of the price dif­fer­ence or the alter­na­tive tour cho­sen is of a high­er val­ue then you will pay the dif­fer­ence in price. We reserve right to change and cor­rect any errors of tour oper­at­ing if we saw that will unable to oper­ate in real sit­u­a­tion envi­ron­ment such as weath­ers prob­lem, infra­struc­ture prob­lem, etc. expect to do best and smooth oper­at­ing tour to Cam­bo­dia Tour Guides’s trav­el­er.
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Tour Notes
Terms & Conditions
On behalf of man­age­ment and staff, thank you for your vis­it­ing our Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers site. Your use of this site you agree to be bound by con­di­tion­al upon your accep­tance and com­pli­ance with these terms and con­di­tions con­tained in this doc­u­ment and any oth­er notices accept­ed by you on this Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers. We strong­ly sug­gest you to read care­ful­ly before process to pur­chas­es because of this are con­tract between you ‘Cus­tomer’ with us ‘Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers‘ and clear­ly lays out what you have agreed with us. Trav­el Wish to Can­cel the Tours & Hotel Booking   Trav­el­er can can­cel the tour before the dead­line of can­cel­la­tion, oth­er wish, can­cel­la­tion charges will be applied depend on due to peri­od of can­cel­la­tion. The date of trip or book­ing can­cel­la­tion is the date on which the writ­ten can­cel­la­tion is received by com­pa­ny. These are cal­cu­lat­ed from the day writ­ten noti­fi­ca­tion is received by the Com­pa­ny or their autho­rized trav­el agent as a per­cent­age of the total tour price per per­son can­celling, includ­ing sur­charges but exclud­ing any amend­ment charges and any insur­ance pay­ment. CONCELLATION POLICY: ‑15 to No show 100 % charge ‑24 to 16 days 50 % of the tour price ‑29 to 25 days up 10 % of the tour price ‑30 days up no charge If you vol­un­tar­i­ly leave a trip for any rea­son after the trip has begun no refunds will be made. Refunds will be at the dis­cre­tion of  Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers if you are invol­un­tar­i­ly forced to leave a trip for any rea­son. All can­cel­la­tion charged fee above are not inclu­sive of cred­it card sur­charge fee on first trans­ac­tion of your pay­ment. Why We Do Can­cel Your Tours ? Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers reserves the right to can­cel any trip before it is guar­an­teed to depar­ture, but will not can­cel a tour less than 29 days before run. A trip is guar­an­teed to run once it has one ful­ly-paid trav­el­er. We are reserves the right to can­cel any trip, includ­ing a guar­an­teed trip, at any time pri­or to depar­ture due force majeure (War, Riots, Civ­il, Dis­tur­bance, Strikes, Nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, Ter­ror­ists activ­i­ties of threat of such, clo­sure of air­port or can­cel­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al or domes­tic air time table ser­vices, polit­i­cal insta­bil­i­ty or oth­er exter­nal events which make it unvi­able for Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers to oper­ate the planned sched­ule. You will be have right to choose between an alter­na­tive trip and a full refund. We are not respon­si­ble for any inci­den­tal expens­es that you may have incurred as a result of your book­ing such as visas fee, vac­ci­na­tions fee, non-refund­able flights, etc. If the alter­na­tive trip cho­sen is of a low­er val­ue than that orig­i­nal­ly booked then you are enti­tled to a refund of the price dif­fer­ence or the alter­na­tive tour cho­sen is of a high­er val­ue then you will pay the dif­fer­ence in price. We reserve right to change and cor­rect any errors of tour oper­at­ing if we saw that will unable to oper­ate in real sit­u­a­tion envi­ron­ment such as weath­ers prob­lem, infra­struc­ture prob­lem, etc. expect to do best and smooth oper­at­ing tour to Cam­bo­di­an Dri­verss trav­el­er.
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