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Royal Palace Silver Pagoda Phnom Penh

the front side of Roy­al Palace and Sil­ver Pago­da Phnom Penh

The Roy­al Palace Built in the 1860’s, and first cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia was on north­ern it’s called Angkor then moved sev­er­al places around the coun­try but Udong was oth­er city before it moved to the city of Phnom Penh. The whole com­pound of the build­ing is 174,870 square metres of breath­tak­ing Khmer archi­tec­ture and lush green­ery. [br]

Today is the home of the Cam­bo­dia Roy­al fam­i­lies of King Siha­moni and his moth­er queen, the palace is open to world­wide peo­ples to vis­it, everyday[br][br]

Code dress to wear in the Palace, dress appro­pri­ate­ly for Bud­dhist cul­ture. Women should cov­er their knees and shoul­ders while men should wear shirts with sleeves. [br]

Through out the palace’s com­pounds there are lot of things that allows every vis­i­tor to see, like big and small gar­dens, throne hall build­ing, Sil­ver Pago­da and sev­er­al build­ings that’s includ­ed Chan­chaya, paviloin, ele­phant rooms and more… But the inter­est­ed struc­tures in the roy­al palace’s com­pounds are the throne hall and sil­ver pagoda.

The throne hall of palace compound

To those of vis­i­tor who is vis­it­ing the roy­al palace then the Throne Hall is a first thing to see after every­one have walked through to tick­et counter then turn left after that those of you will be see­ing archi­tec­ture of the throne hall, and it’s a unique archi­tec­ture that nowhere can have the same. the build­ing is one of the splen­did build­ings, it have been used for the occa­sion of the coro­na­tions, meet­ing place of impor­tant dig­ni­taries, and many oth­er offi­cial ceremonies.


Throne Hall is called Preah Thineang Vin­nichay for Cam­bo­di­an peo­ple. It is the place where Cam­bo­di­an king and cab­i­net has been used to dis­cuss the coun­try events. Nowa­days, roy­al rit­u­als and reli­gious such as coro­na­tion, roy­al mar­riages, and greet­ing to local and inter­na­tion­al guests.


The Throne Hall was built twice, the first for­ma­tion of wood was between 1869 and 1870 dur­ing the peri­od of King Norodom, and then the build­ing was destroyed in 1915. The Throne Hall today was built in 1917 and was launched in 1919 by King Sisowath. The build­ing has an area of 30 x 60m, with 59m high of the top tow­er. Like all the hous­es and build­ings in the palace, the Throne Hall is locat­ed in the east and becomes the most bril­liant in the morn­ing. The Throne is placed in the cen­ter of the room. The throne was used for the coro­na­tion of the king on his coro­na­tion day, the last time under the time of King Sihan­moni has not done the coro­na­tion cer­e­mo­ny on this throne. The ceil­ing has a dome struc­ture dec­o­rat­ed with bril­liant motifs describ­ing the leg­end Reamk­er. This is con­sid­ered a unique pic­ture with the ways draw­ing on the ceil­ing and col­or which is not fad­ed over time.


Sil­ver Pagoda

The Sil­ver Pago­da is locat­ed on the south side of the Roy­al Palace, offi­cial name “for Cam­bo­di­an peo­ples call­ing” is Wat Ubaosoth Rata­naram, also known as Wat Preah Keo Morakot which is com­mon­ly short­ened to Wat Preah Keo in Khmer.


The pago­da is one the Bud­dhism tem­ples around, was also the King wor­shiped, prayed and prac­ticed every Bud­dhist Silas Day, some­time the roy­al fam­i­ly and offi­cials also held Bud­dhist cer­e­monies there.This pago­da has no monks. How­ev­er, this Majes­tic King Norodom Sihanouk spent one year when he was the monk hood on July 31, 1947. there were no monk at the temple.

the pago­da was built between 1892 and 1902, dur­ing the region of King Norodom, but at that time it was con­struct­ed of wood and brick. Its design is base on Cam­bo­di­an archi­tec­tur­al style.

The tem­ple was recon­struct­ed in 1962 on the same site with rein­forced con­crete. The floor was laid with sil­ver tiles, and the columns were cov­ered with glass stone import­ed from Italy. The archi­tec­ture, how­ev­er, remained the same.This tem­ple is called Pheah Vihear Preah Keo Morakot because the main Bud­dha stat­ue is made of price­less emer­ald, which Cam­bo­di­ans call Keo Morakot. West­ern­ers, how­ev­er, pre­fer to call the tem­ple the Sil­ver Pago­da because of the 5,329 gen­uine sil­ver tiles that cov­er the floor

There are 1,650 art objects housed in this tem­ple. Most of them are Bud­dha fig­ures. They are made of gold, sil­ver, bronze and oth­er valu­able mate­ri­als. Some are dec­o­rat­ed with dia­monds. They are gifts from the King, the roy­al fam­i­ly, dig­ni­taries and oth­er peo­ple who wor­ship at Preah Vihear Preah Keo Morakot, where they pray for peace and pros­per­i­ty, for hap­pi­ness and for the preser­va­tion of Cam­bo­di­an cul­tur­al her­itage for the next gen­er­a­tion. In front of the throne, site a Bud­dha stat­ue made of gold, weigh­ing 90 kilo­grams (about 200 pounds) and dec­o­rat­ed with 2,086 dia­monds. The biggest dia­mond is on the crown. It is 25 mil­lime­ters. This stat­ue was com­mis­sioned in 1904 by King Sisowath, fol­low­ing the sug­ges­tion of King Norodom. King Norodom said, after his body was cre­mat­ed the gold cas­ket should be melt­ed to make Bud­dha stat­ue rep­re­sent­ing Preah Srei Araymetrey. This Bud­dha stat­ue is named Preah Chin Raing­sei Rachik Norodom.