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Siem Reap Top Things To Do See

Actu­al­ly, com­ing to Asia then go straight to South East Asia coun­tries and missed to vis­it Cam­bo­di­a’s Siem Reap and oth­er cities across the coun­try it’s not use­ful trip. Siem Reap, a resort town in north­west­ern Cam­bo­dia, is the gate­way to the ruins of Angkor, the seat of the Khmer king­dom from the 9th–15th cen­turies, the awe-inspir­ing and mind-blow­ing col­lec­tion of ancient tem­ple ruins, a vis­it to Cam­bo­di­a’s Siem Reap might just be the high­light of your trip.[br][br]

Siem Reap town is the home of Cam­bo­di­a’s ancient tem­ples which it’s been stun­ning for more than 1000 year so far[br]

Bel­low CambodianDrivers.Com would like to intro­duce you the top and vis­it­ed tem­ples and oth­er things to do in/around the town.[br][br]

Cer­tain­ly, Your local guides and their trans­porta­tion to explore the ancient city of Siem Reap town is a must need and also it’s first the thing to get in touch with for it’s one of those.

Think­ing of going around to Angkor archae­o­log­i­cal sites then you need to get a real insid­er with his/her own trans­porta­tion and the pop­u­lar is Tuk Tuk, it can bring you to go through to see those inter­est­ed tem­ples in the archae­o­log­i­cal sites.[br]

It lets you to stay straight togeth­er and allows you to have good chat­ting from a start till the trip end­ed. it can run for about 20–30 km for per hour, the siem reap town is big enough for the tuk tuk dri­vers to man­age it in all good condition.

Pri­vate car is best trav­el mate to keep you aways from the sun­shine, stinky “smells”, pro­tect laud­er sound “caused by engines or sound of peo­ple” and also it lets you stay in a com­fort­able of the A/C from the start then went to last des­ti­na­tion of your day trip.[br][br]

Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers is the group of long years and very expe­ri­ence in Cam­bo­dia tourism and also work­ing  as pri­vate dri­vers and guides, we are more than hap­py to escort you to see those ruin and ancient tem­ple Let’s explore the best things to do in Siem Reap:[br][br]

  1. Angkor Wat Temple

Angkor Wat is the most famous ancient tem­ple site in Cam­bo­dia, the largest Bud­dhist tem­ple on earth, which took 30 years to build dur­ing the 12th cen­tu­ry (113–5BC) and spans over 208 hectares (500 acres). A 5  tow­ers ris­ing 65 metres into the sky, it is an awe-inspir­ing sight. The tem­ple is one of the UNESCO World Her­itage site was once the largest pre-indus­tri­al city in the world. It remains one of the world’s ancient won­ders and is a must-see for any vis­i­tor to Cambodia.

1.1 Sun­rise over Angkor Wat Tow­ers [br][br]

the sun­rise over the tem­ple of Angkor wat tow­ers is also one of the must things to see with­in it’s gold­en col­or of sun­rise shine on the tem­ple and it turned the col­or of the tem­ple to red it’s look like a gold col­or. and also the reflec­tion of water from a clos­er pond is can be view­ing it’s gold­en color

– Go ear­ly [br]
Not just ear­ly – very ear­ly. Leave your hotel at 4:30 AM to make sure you’re one of the first peo­ple who enter the Angkor Wat area (opens at 5:00 AM) [br]

2. Bay­on Temple

Bay­on is one of ancient Tem­ple in the town of Siem Reap, is one of the more famous, pop­u­lar and beau­ti­ful of the struc­tures in the Angkor Wat Archae­o­log­i­cal Park. Locat­ed just to the north of Angkor Wat com­pound itself it’s in the heart of the ancient city of Angkor Thom. It’s some­times called Jayavar­man’s Tem­ple, in hon­our of the Khmer king who ordered its con­struc­tion. It’s best known for its many tow­ers with gen­tly smil­ing faces on each side. [br][br]

There are some 50 tow­ers around the ruined tem­ple, with over 200 faces show­ing vary­ing degrees of ero­sion and wear. Each face is 4 metres high and is fac­ing one of the car­di­nal direc­tions of the com­pass. They all have the same serene smile, with eyes closed, rep­re­sent­ing the all-know­ing state of inner peace, and per­haps even a state of Nir­vana. There are also many com­pli­cat­ed and exquis­ite bas-reliefs around the tem­ple, with scenes depict­ing land and naval war­fare, mar­ket scenes and even the con­struc­tion of the tem­ple itself.

3. South Gate of Angkor Thom

The South Gate is the most famous city gate and a kind of emblem of Angkor Thom. Every vis­i­tor of Angkor will see it, as the only road from the Angkor Wat to the sec­ond-most pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion, the Bay­on, cross­es Angkor Thom’s South Gate. All vis­i­tors will stop here in front of Angko­r’s most exten­sive col­lec­tion of giant sculp­tures. Many tourists start an ele­phant ride here, either through the South Gate to the Bay­on tem­ple or to the top of the near­by hill Phnom Bakheng. [br]

The cause­way of the South Gate is pret­ty crowd­ed some­times, par­tic­u­lar­ly between 9.00 and 10.00 am. In the evening, an hour or two after sun­set, the South Gate will be closed. Vis­its of Angkor are not allowed at night-time, except for guests of some spe­cial events such as din­ing on the upper ter­race of the illu­mi­nat­ed Bay­on, some­times exclu­sive­ly arranged by lux­u­ry hotels.[br][br]

In front of the South Gate there is the best-pre­served and restored stone cause­way across the 100 m broad moat of Angkor Thom. The rail­ings are formed by the world-famous rows of giant sculp­tures hold­ing on their knees a Naga, whose sev­en heads ris­es fan­wise at the out­er end of the cause­way. Orig­i­nal­ly, each of the Angkor Thom’s five city gates had such balustrades with two times 54 fig­ures, 108 being a holy num­ber in Mahayana Bud­dhism. But today only the South Gate has an almost com­plete set. con­tent by http://www.angkor-temples-in-cambodia.com/south-gate.html [br][br]

4.Top Root Tree Ta Prohm Temple

the tem­ple of Ta Prohm got famous by Lara Croft and Tomb Raider pushed Hol­ly­wood images of tem­ple into the­ater around the world in 2001, they con­sol­i­dat­ed the case for Cam­bo­dia as a tourist des­ti­na­tion. Lit­tle over fif­teen years lat­er, mil­lions of vis­i­tors flock to Siem Reap each year, many of whom will have their pic­ture tak­en under “that tree” that Angeli­na Jolie stood upon dur­ing one of the movie’s action scenes.[br][br]

There is, how­ev­er, obvi­ous­ly much more to Ta Prohm than its famous friends. It is per­haps includ­ed in “the big three” along with Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom as one of the must-see tem­ples because of the movie-attrac­tion, but in real­i­ty Ta Prohm is a mes­mer­iz­ing tem­ple to vis­it quite apart from its Hol­ly­wood sta­tus. In fact, it is prob­a­bly the deci­sion not to clear the site of trees, and leave some of the most impres­sive jungle/ruin take-overs in place, that caught the atten­tion of film loca­tion scouts and made it one of the most atmos­pher­ic and most pho­tographed of all the temples.[br][br]

5. Sun­set on Bakheng Moun­tain [br]

Phnom Bakheng is a tem­ple moun­tain in hon­or of the Hin­du god Shi­va and one of the old­est tem­ples in the Angkor Archae­o­log­i­cal Park. Thanks to its loca­tion on a 60-meter high hill, Phnom Bakheng became a very pop­u­lar tourist spot for its mag­nif­i­cent sun­set views over Angkor Wat. [br][br]

the 5 tem­ples, Wat, Bay­on, south gate of Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm and Bakheng Hill tem­ple above is a one day cir­cle tour. Our tuk tuk or taxi dri­vers are very hap­py escort you to go around the lands of ancient tem­ples. siem reap tuk tuk dri­ver and or flu­ent­ly eng­lish spo­ken taxi driver


Not­ed, Bay­on tem­ple is locat­ed in Angkor Thom (or well known in Eng­lish as the Great city, Angkor is meant city and thom is meant great) com­pounds then there are sev­er­al tem­ple in the ter­ri­to­ry like, ter­race of ele­phants, ter­race of lep­er king, Roy­al Palace, Roy­al Ter­races, Baphuon, Phimeanakas, Prasat Suor, Prat Preah, Palilay, Tep Pranam, The Khleangs, Mon­u­ments 486 and 487, Prasat Chrung, Preah Pithu Group [br][br]

Things to do after a long day walk­ing tour at the old and holy temples[br][br]

6. fish mas­sage ther­a­py siem reap

You can find many so-called “fish spas” or “fish mas­sage” stands in Siem Reap, with many bear­ing large fish tanks with seats out on the side­walk. Some venues call them­selves “Dr Fish” or “Fish Pedi­cure”. [br][br]

To enjoy the unique treat­ment, sim­ply sit on the edge of the fish tank, dan­gle your legs in the water, and let the small fish nib­ble the dead skin off your feet. It isn’t expen­sive, with some places offer­ing the 1st treat­ment for free. One such spa in Siem Reap that’s apt­ly named and where you can enjoy this fun treat­ment is on Thnou Street.[br][br]

7. Hand up and shake your head at pub street

Offi­cial­ly titled “Street 8”, Pub Street is the cen­ter of action as the night falls in Siem Reap. The street, start­ing off at the Red Piano Restau­rant and end­ing at the Banana Leaf Restau­rant, is a 100m stretch of road speck­led with neon lit clubs, bars, restau­rants, and ven­dors. [br][br]

Locat­ed in the heart of the city near­by to the beau­ti­ful Siem Reap riv­er and var­i­ous mar­kets, Pub Street is where back­pack­ers from all over the world gath­er and dance the night away. It can be thought of as a more tame ver­sion of Bangkok’s Khaosan Road, but just as fun nonethe­less. Come night­time, the road is blocked off to traf­fic, mak­ing it a relax­ing and safe place to stroll, dance, and let loose. With a wide vari­ety of culi­nary treats rang­ing from Khmer spe­cial­ties to West­ern favorites offered in food trucks, 50 cent drought beers, and crispy insect munchies to indulge in, you can spend your entire night on this live­ly street and nev­er run out of things to do.[br][br]

8. Night Mar­ket, there are a few night mar­kets and the clos­er one is Angkor Night mar­ket it’s very close to the pub street or it’s just on the cor­ner of each oth­er. The pub street is the place where you can get afford­able food which it’s allowed you to sit to have cold beers if the night clubs along the night mar­ket is not started.

9. Float­ing Vil­lages Around Siem Reap Town

he float­ing vil­lages at Ton­le Sap Lake have become some­thing of an inter­est for tourists vis­it­ing Siem Reap. The fas­ci­na­tion with peo­ple who live in float­ing hous­es, trav­el to float­ing schools and eat at float­ing restau­rants is quite an attrac­tion for the many vis­i­tors that come to Cam­bo­dia. [br][br]

As well as the float­ing vil­lages, there are also stilt­ed vil­lages along the banks of Ton­le Sap Lake, where hous­es and build­ings rest on tall, thin stilts that keep the occu­pants dry dur­ing the wet sea­son, with giant lad­ders to reach the low­er lev­els dur­ing the dry sea­son. [br][br]

Floating Villages [br][br]

Sev­er­al com­mu­ni­ties of peo­ple are liv­ing on the Ton­le Sap Lake. There are four main vil­lages that are acces­si­ble from Siem Reap and a vari­ety of ways to get there. The vil­lages: Chong Kneas, Mechrey, Kam­pong Phluk and Kam­pong Khleang are described in detail below.


10. Phnom Kulen Mountain

The Kulen Hill was the for­mer  of Cam­bo­dia cap­i­tal in 802 and also the first Angkor Empire was found by a Cam­bo­di­an King whose named Jayavar­man II. He was also the first king who opened gate to Angkor Empire, from 9 cen­tu­ry till 15 cen­tu­ry then the cap­i­tals of the being locat­ed to sev­er­al places till to the last set­tle of the coun­try city is Phnom Penh. [br][br]

Nowa­days, It’s a play­ground for locals and over­sea tourists to have a break from the city of bull­doz­er’ sounds, Phnom Kulen (lit­er­al­ly Phnom is Moun­tain and Kulen is lychees, then the com­bi­na­tion is moun­tain of the Lychees) is a gor­geous day out and also holy Bud­dhist tem­ple site, which it’ locat­ed on the top of the moun­tain. The main attrac­tion is the water­falls at the top of Kulen Moun­tain and it’s also a great pic­nic spot; well set up in Cam­bo­di­an style with ham­mocks and shel­ters to keep you shad­ed from the sun. It’s around 1.5–2 hours dri­ve from Siem Reap and if you go all the way to the top by van or car, you need to get there ear­ly, as the road is one-way traf­fic only.[br][br]

11. Kbal Spean

Kbal Spean lit­er­al­ly means “Bridge Head” in Khmer and is an ancient Angko­ri­an site, part of Phnom Kulen Nation­al Park. Kbal Spean lies 50 kilo­me­ters north­east of Siem Reap pro-vin­cial town or about 18 kilo­me­ters from Ban­teay Srei on a dirt road. It takes from one to two hours to get there from the provin­cial town. Its name comes from a nat­ur­al sand­stone rock bridge over the Kbal Spean Riv­er. [br][br]

The inter­est in this site is a series of stone carv­ings in the riv­er bed of yonis and lin­gas, as trib­utes to the Hin­du god, Shi­va, and hun­dreds of them are carved into the rock, as are sev­er­al carv­ings of gods and ani­mals above the small water­fall. Every­one can be seen the Val­ley of a 1000 Lin­gas or the Riv­er of a Thou­sand Lin­gas, at the riv­er bed. and the curved lin­gas are most vis­i­ble dur­ing of dry sea­son or after the rainy sea­son com­plet­ed, when the water lev­el in the riv­er is low­er. [br][br]

12. Visit the Cambodian Landmine Museum

Although Cam­bo­dia was not direct­ly involved in the Viet­nam War, it held a mil­i­tary sup­ply line to South­ern Viet­nam. As a result, a huge amount of land­mines and bombs were dropped on Cam­bo­dia, in order to destroy these sup­ply lines and dis­rupt the North Viet­namese armies. [br][br]

Aki Ra, an ex-child sol­dier, found­ed the muse­um after spend­ing a lot of his time defus­ing land­mines by hand and dis­play­ing them in his home. The Land­mine Muse­um is open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm dai­ly, and will cost $5 USD for entry. Chil­dren under 12 years are free to enter.

It’s a 45-minute dri­ve from Siem Reap Town, and 30 min­utes from Angkor Park, so it’s a great idea to vis­it the muse­um after your trip to the tem­ples. the whole arti­cles @ https://www.ourtravelmix.com/things-to-do-in-siem-reap/ [br][br]

13. Cam­bo­dia War Msueum

War Muse­um Cam­bo­dia fea­tures out­door dis­plays of old, rust­ed and bro­ken-down mil­i­tary hard­ware tak­en from the bat­tle­field. Equip­ment on dis­play includes old tanks, artillery pieces, rock­et launch­ers, anti-air­craft guns, small arms, mines and bombs. [br][br]

There’s also an old Shenyang J‑6 jet fight­er, an XU-814 Mil Mi-8T heli­copter, and oth­er mil­i­tary hard­ware in var­i­ous con­di­tions. The entrance fee is about US$5 per per­son, which includes a free guide who can help you learn about the his­to­ry, explain­ing about the dif­fer­ent mines and weapons, tell per­son­al war sto­ries, and let you hold some of the small arms like M16s, AK47s and rock­et-pro­pelled grenades. https://www.hotels.com/go/cambodia/best-siem-reap-things-to-do

if you want to fire the live RPG II and RPG 7 (Bazookas and B40 Rock­et Launch­er) AK47, M16, T97,  S‑katu, Pis­tols, PKM Machine Guns, RPD, M79, Hand Grenades, 50 Cal­iber well known as Doosh­ka, . then buy a bus flight tick­et to Phnom Penh it’s a good chance for you to fire those live weapons or you can be con­tact straight @ http://cambodiashootingranges.com/  There is the list of Phnom Penh things to do and to See

Our pri­vate Taxi Car Dri­vers and Indi­vid­ual Tuk Tuk Dri­vers are very hap­py  to be your local insid­er to help/arrange your day trip from the start to the end of your day in Siem Reap or Cambodia.

All the those siem reap things to do and siem reap sight­see­ing tour can be pro­vid­ed to valu­able cus­tomers, please feel free con­tact us with­in the fol­low email address @ [email protected]