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Home»Option»In Around Phnom Penh Things To Do

In Around Phnom Penh Things To Do

Phnom Penh is the biggest city of Cam­bo­dia and also the com­mer­cial, gov­ern­ment offices, busi­ness hubs, his­tor­i­cal tourism and more.… The pop­u­la­tion of the city is reached to 1.5 mil­lion It’s full of old and new build­ings and new build­ing are being devel­oped every­day it’s for the demand of new and young generations.

There bel­low are 16 of the list of things to do in and around Phnom Penh city, We are more than hap­py to trans­port to see all those places


  1.  Get­ting Tuk Tuk Sight­see­ing Tour Phnom Penh,

Pov, Eng­lish speak­ing tuk tuk dri­ver in Siem Reap’s ancient temples

Actu­al­ly, get­ting in tuk tuk for an hour to hour and half is good enough to view the whole city of Phnom Penh it’s ded­i­cat­ed to the those of new arrival pas­sen­gers into the city, and get in an Eng­lish speak­ing tuk tuk dri­ver is a describ­able dri­ver and you will be not alone in the city. The eng­lish speak­ing dri­ver is also a long year and very expe­ri­ence one then it’s worth to go with your pri­vate tuk tuk driver.

2. Shoot­ing Range Club

The shoot­ing range club of Phnom Penh is open to world­wide tourists to come to shoot every guns that they wish to blow up as they are arrived the gun range club of Phnom penh. And they are two kinds of shoot­ing Range Clubs in Phnom Penh.

  • Indoor shoot­ing range is locat­ed around Phnom Penh air­port and it’s approx­i­mate­ly took 30–45 min­utes by Tuk Tuk or Cars
  • Out­door shoot­ing range club, it’s locat­ed about 90–120 min­utes dri­ve from the cap­i­tal and also one way dri­ve by cars. the list of Cam­bo­dia Fire Range Out­Door Phnom Penh is here https://www.cambodiafirerange.com/

3. The Roy­al Palace and Sil­ver Pagoda

The Roy­al Palace Built in the 1860’s, and first cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia was on north­ern it’s called Angkor then moved sev­er­al places around the coun­try but Udong was oth­er city before it moved to the city of Phnom Penh. The whole com­pound of the build­ing is 174,870 square metres of breath­tak­ing Khmer archi­tec­ture and lush greenery.

Today is the home of the Cam­bo­dia Roy­al fam­i­lies of King Siha­moni and his moth­er queen, the palace is open to world­wide peo­ples to vis­it, everyday

Code dress to wear in the Palace, dress appro­pri­ate­ly for Bud­dhist cul­ture. Women should cov­er their knees and shoul­ders while men should wear shirts with sleeves. Read More

4. Nation­al Muse­um Art Gallery

Nation­al Muse­um Art Gallery in Phnom Penh

The Nation­al Muse­um in Phnom Penh is Cam­bo­di­a’s largest muse­um of cul­tur­al his­to­ry and is the coun­try’s lead­ing his­tor­i­cal and archae­o­log­i­cal, includ­ing sculp­ture, ceram­ics and ethno­graph­ic objects from the pre­his­toric, pre-Angko­ri­an, Angko­ri­an and post-Angko­ri­an periods.

You can find the Nation­al Muse­um of Cam­bo­dia a few blocks away from the Roy­al Palace on Street 13 and between street 178 and 182, Phnom Penh

5. Wat Phnom Hill

Set on top of a tree-cov­ered with heigh is 27m high, made the hill is the high­est moun­tain in the city of Phnom Penh

Wat Phnom is the only hill in town. Accord­ing to leg­end, the first pago­da on this site was erect­ed in 1373 to house four stat­ues of Bud­dha deposit­ed here by the waters of the Mekong and dis­cov­ered by a woman name Penh. The main entrance to Wat Phnom is via the grand east­ern stair­case, which is guard­ed by lions and naga (snake) balustrades. At the top of the hill there are holy Bud­dhist tem­ple it’s where local peo­ple and oth­ers bud­dhism goes there to make a prays

6. Sisowath Quay River­side Phnom Penh

walk­ing tour and enjoy your evening beer time

The walk­ing tour along river­side on Sisowath Quay is oth­er tourist spots in Phnom Penh city, the local and over­sea trav­el­ers are like­ly to pass­ing by to watch the sun­rise and sun­set. More­over, this place is full of peo­ples who is com­ing all over the world to sit, eats and drinks in one of they favor­it­ed restau­rant see flags, green trees are lots.

Good to Know about Sisowath Quay

Stretch­ing from the Street 102 area to Street 178, Sisowath Quay is about 10 km from Phnom Penh Inter­na­tion­al Air­port. Tuk-tuks and taxis are wide­ly available.

Locat­ed close to Street 98 is Phnom Penh Port, from where fer­ries depart to Siem Reap on a dai­ly basis. also the big cruise with hotel rooms are reg­u­lar­ly stop to it’s dock.

sug­ges­tion for a good walk­ing tour along river­side of Sisowath Quay of Phnom Penh,  then street 90 reached to street 240, river­side spot are good to have a walk along to see peo­ples, street food, big and small restau­rants, hotels. From Street 178 to street 240 is Nation­al muse­um and Roy­al palace, it’s of the top vis­it­ed tourist sites in phnom penh. If you would like to have a dri­ver and also guide then let the group of Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers help you all.

7. Inde­pen­dence Monument

Inde­pen­dence Mon­u­ment, or Cam­bo­di­an is called Vimean Ekareach, it’s locat­ed in the heart of Phnom Penh city. Inde­pen­dence Mon­u­ment was pri­mar­i­ly erect­ed to mark the lib­er­a­tion of the coun­try from the French, who ruled Cam­bo­dia for almost a cen­tu­ry from 1863 to 1953. The loca­tion of the Inde­pen­dence Mon­u­ment at the inter­sec­tion of Norodom and Sihanouk Boule­vards in Phnom Penh.

8. Shop­ping at Cen­tral or/and Russ­ian Market

ccim­age-shut­ter­stock. Cen­tral Mar­ket in Phnom Penh

Cen­tral mar­ket in phnom penh is a yel­low and domed build­ing and it was a super shop­ping mall in the last 1902

This huge gold­en domed mar­ket in the cen­ter of Phnom Penh has lit­er­al­ly every item you could ever want to buy while on vaca­tion. Need sun­glass­es? They have hun­dreds. In the mar­ket for a knock-off NBA cap? They’ve got every team rep­re­sent­ed. Look­ing for children’s clothes to send back to your niece and nephew? Out­fit them like an adorable Khmer kid. You could eas­i­ly spend hours wan­der­ing this market.

When you get hun­gry, they’ve got row after row of Khmer food stands sell­ing fried fish, hot soup, and an array of fried bugs and spiders.

Bring your cam­era as there are plen­ty of nov­el things to see here. Or if you have more time to take a look at the Russ­ian which it’s about 15–25 min­utes dri­ve from the cen­tral market


Russ­ian mar­ket in Phnom Penh

the russ­ian mar­ket in phnom penh offers some sou­venirs of hand­i­craft prod­uct like sil­ver, silk crafts. the mar­ket was tak­en name by Russ­ian expats dur­ing com­mu­nist peri­od in 1980 after the khmer regime top­pled by a group of Cam­bo­di­an who joined the mis­sion with Viet­namese troops backed by Russ­ian gov­ern­ment. the khmer regime fin­ished by 1979 Jan 07.

9. S 21 Toul Sleng Prison Geno­cide Museum

Before 1975, Toul Sleng was one of the big high school in Phnom Penh then when pol pot took the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia in 1975 April 17 they con­vert­ed the school into a largest such cen­ter of deten­tion and tor­ture in the coun­try. after the regime was over in 1979 Jan­u­ary 07 the site brought  lives which was Over 17,000

10. Killing Fields Choe­ung Ek Memorial

The Killing Fields, also known as Choe­ung Ek Memo­r­i­al, is a site to exe­cute those of the impris­oned who had been jailed in Toul Sleng prison for while and after the impris­oned con­fessed the mis­takes that Khmer cadres want­ed them to sound out

the site of Killing Fields is locat­ed about About 17 km south of Phnom Penh City, it is one of the many killing fields and offi­cial site to kill those peo­ple who against the regime of Demo­c­ra­t­ic of Kam­puchea “Demo­c­ra­t­ic of Cam­bo­dia” most­ly those offi­cials who from the last era.  the year of exe­cu­tion and bur­ial grounds used by the Khmer Rouge regime dur­ing its rule of the coun­try from 1975 April 17 till to 1979 Jan­u­ary 07.

11. The Silk Island Mekong Island

it’s locat­ed at the frontside of Phnom Penh city and it can be trav­el­ing by boat or land if we are trav­el­ing by it need to spend 10–15 min­utes to park our car on a fer­ry. the silk island is a coun­try­side and walk­ing tour when you are reached the site.

All of those silk scarves and cot­ton tops you see in the mar­kets around Cam­bo­dia- most of them come from Silk Island. Also known as Koh Dach, this small island in the mid­dle of Phnom Penh serves as a unique way to see the rur­al side of Cam­bo­dia with­out trav­el­ing far out­side the city.

Many locals here live in tra­di­tion­al Cam­bo­di­an teak wood hous­es on dirt roads. You’ll notice that almost every house has a silk spin­ning machine under their home where women are busy hand-mak­ing these gor­geous accessories.

On the island is a silk fac­to­ry where cater­pil­lars pro­duce silk and staff har­vest them. Take a tour by the fac­to­ry guide and buy silk prod­ucts for a frac­tion of the price. After­wards, ask the locals to point you in the direc­tion of the yum­my (and cheap) local river­side restau­rant. Have an authen­tic meal then jump in the riv­er with your clothes on as the locals do.

12. Sun­set sight­see­ing boat cruise

Whether it’s romance you seek or adven­ture you’re after, there’s no bet­ter way to ful­fill your desires than a sun­set riv­er cruise. Mekong rivers Cruis­es has a vari­ety of riv­er cruis­es on the Mekong to choose from.

Spend­ing 1–1.30 min­utes on the riv­er cruise to enjoy your cold beer to see life styes of city at the mid­dle of riv­er by sit­ting on top roof of a boat

Options, The Sun­set Cock­tail Riv­er Cruise offers an onboard BBQ with local ingre­di­ents and tra­di­tion­al Khmer sides, along with cock­tails and wine. Eat slow­ly as you pass the Roy­al Palace and watch the sun go down over the riv­er. This cruise lasts about 2 ½ hours and is per­fect for cou­ples and groups.

There are also des­ti­na­tion cruis­es to choose from that take you to places such as the for­mer capi­tol of Cam­bo­dia called Udong, Silk Island, and even mul­ti-day cruis­es up to Siem Reap and Angkor Wat.

13. Apasa Tra­di­tion­al Dancing

Cam­bo­di­an Liv­ing Arts is a non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion that hosts Apsara and tra­di­tion­al Khmer dance per­for­mances at the Nation­al Muse­um of Cam­bo­dia. Tick­ets are priced from US$15 and shows are held on Mon­days, Wednes­days and week­ends from 7pm onwards. The organ­i­sa­tion pre­serves tra­di­tion­al Khmer dance that dates back to the 18th cen­tu­ry but was almost lost under the Khmer Rouge regime.

Cam­bo­di­an Liv­ing Arts revived the art by gath­er­ing sur­viv­ing mas­ter artists to train and pass on their knowl­edge to younger gen­er­a­tions. The troupe com­pris­es live singers and musi­cians in tra­di­tion­al Khmer cos­tumes, per­form­ing eight clas­si­cal dances of eth­nic minori­ties from all over Cambodia.

14. The zoo at Tamao mountain

Take a tour to Phnom Tamao Zoo and Wildlife Res­cue Cen­tre (PTWRC) – the country’s largest zoo and wildlife sanc­tu­ary that is locat­ed about a 45-minute dri­ve out­side town. Opened in 2000, it is more a wildlife res­cue cen­tre than a zoo, serv­ing as a safe refuge to rare and endan­gered ani­mals res­cued from the clutch­es of poach­ers, traf­fick­ers and ille­gal wildlife traders.

The wildlife cen­tre’s res­i­dents now include over a thou­sand ani­mals plus hun­dreds of exot­ic birds and rep­tiles. Man­aged by the Min­istry of Agriculture’s Forestry Depart­ment with sup­port from WildAid and Free the Bears Fund, the zoo occu­pies about 1,200 hectares land out of a 2,500-hectare for­est pro­tect­ed area of Phnom Tamao that enjoys pic­turesque sur­round­ings com­pris­ing moun­tains and ancient tem­ples such as Phnom Tamao Tem­ple and Thmor Dos Temple.

How to Get to Phnom Tamao Zoo

Phnom Tamao Zoo is sit­u­at­ed in Tro Pang Sap vil­lage, about 35 km south­east of Phnom Penh. It’s eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from Nation­al Road No 2, and a 5‑km trail off the main road leads to the zoo.

In addi­tion to bus­es, tuk tuks are avail­able from the cap­i­tal to reach here. To get a bet­ter idea about the res­i­dents of the zoo, you can hire the ser­vices of Eng­lish-speak­ing guides.

15. Ta Prohm tem­ple Bati River

Ta Phrom Tem­ple at Ton­le Bati dates back to the late 12th cen­tu­ry, fea­tur­ing well-pre­served stone carv­ings and bas-reliefs of Hin­du mythol­o­gy – this tem­ple is sim­i­lar in style to Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. Acces­si­ble with­in an hour’s dri­ve from Phnom Penh City Cen­tre in the Takeo Province, there’s an entrance fee of US$3 to vis­it the tem­ple, mak­ing it afford­able and con­ve­nient option for trav­ellers who are stay­ing in the cap­i­tal of Cambodia.

Oth­er attrac­tions in Ton­le Bati include Yey Peo Tem­ple (locat­ed 200 metres north of Ta Phrom Tem­ple) and Ton­le Bati Lake, a pop­u­lar pic­nic spot among locals. Great for unwind­ing after vis­it­ing the tem­ples, you can also rent huts and ham­mocks at rel­a­tive­ly low prices.

16. Udong Moun­tain

Phnom Udong is locat­ed in Psar Dek and Phnom Bat com­munes, Pon­hea Leu dis­trict, about 41 kilo­me­ters north of Phnom Penh. The city drops behind while fish­ing vil­lages and rice pad­dies sur­round either side of the sweep­ing plains of Kan­dal province. Then with­out warn­ing, a moun­tain ris­es above it all, topped by the spire of stu­pas like some fairy cas­tle. The road to Udong is clear­ly marked, and the dis­tance along this road to the for­mer city is less than 4 kilo­me­ters. Pic­nic huts sell­ing every­thing from sweet palm fruit to roast­ed chick­en clus­ter around the base of the hill.

There are three names for this hill: Phnom Udong, Phnom Preah Reach Troap and Phnom Edthareus. The site includes the sum­mits of five hills: Chet­dei, Trai Tre­ung, Chet­dei Kam­pul Buon, Preah Ang Chol Nipean, and Ariya Kasaks. Chet­dy and Trai Tre­ung sum­mits are the same height. The area of Phnom Udong is about 1,500 meters by 700 meters from the east to the west.


Actu­al­ly, there are more things to do and to see in the city of Phnom Penh, please try to ask us through your email or What­sApp us for details