
Cambodian Drivers Taxi Car Rental

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Battambang Taxi Drivers Cambodia

Bat­tam­bang Taxi Dri­vers Cam­bo­dia!


Greet­ing! Bat­tam­bang sec­ond biggest City and the biggest state of Cam­bo­dia and its locat­ed at north­west­ern of Cam­bo­dia, it’s about two hours+ dri­ve from Siem Reap’s Angkor Wat Tem­ples com­pound with­in 5–6 hours dri­ve from Phnom Penh city Cam­bo­dia, If you are look­ing for Phnom Penh Taxi Dri­ver to go to Bat­tam­bang and con­tin­ue from Bat­tam­bang to Siem Reap. Then let go with Siem Reap Taxi Dri­ver. Or let go with Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental is a link­ing of your rid­ing ser­vice to explore around Cam­bo­dia, Its suit your hol­i­day and work­ing condition.


The sum­ma­ry to Bat­tam­bang province and town, Bat­tam­bang is Cam­bo­di­a’s sec­ond-largest city and the cap­i­tal of Bat­tam­bang Province, the found of Bat­tam­bang coun­ty was in the 11th cen­tu­ry. It is the for­mer cap­i­tal of Mon­ton Khmer and lies in the heart of the North­west of Cam­bo­dia. On the oth­er hand, Bat­tam­bang is the hugest agri­cul­tur­al pro­duc­tion of the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia and the lead­ing agri­cul­tur­al pro­duc­tion is rice-pro­duc­ing province of the coun­try. Walk­ing to top hill of Phnom Sam­pov moun­tain then you can see the green­ery of pad­dy rice fields of the whole province, maybe 😊

The Bat­tam­bang town was tak­en name from Bat­dambang stat­ue who threw his stick to jun­gle and can’t found, or lit­er­al­ly means “loss of stick” refer­ring to a leg­end of the Preah Bat Dambang Kran­houng (Kran­houng Stick King). The pop­u­la­tion is nowa­days around 250,000 peo­ple . Which the Bat­tam­bang town is locat­ed along Sangke  river­side, also it’s the home to some of the best-pre­served, French colo­nial archi­tec­ture in the country.

stat­ue and sym­bol of Bat­tam­bang city


Total­ly, Bat­tam­bang city is one of the Cam­bo­dia tourist des­ti­na­tion roads and it’s worth to vis­it while your vis­it­ing in Cam­bo­dia, try­ing to under­stand to Cam­bo­di­a’s coun­try­side life of peo­ples who liv­ing along the areas, it’s good a con­nec­tion between Siem reap’s Angkor Wat com­plexed tem­ples and Phnom Penh city.

Local­ly, pri­vate taxi dri­vers in Bat­tam­bang city is also been await­ing for every­one of you take a pri­vate ride or shared ride from your hotel frontside to wher­ev­er you would like to vis­it. More­over, Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental is very hap­py to ser­vice you the Taxi Ser­vice to explore Bat­tam­bang city tour and always with Eng­lish speak­ing taxi dri­ver for your whole trip and whole day in Bat­tam­bang province.


There are a list of thing to do in Bat­tang­bang City Like,

  1. Bam­boo train, rid­ing the bam­boo on the rail to see rice fields, green gasses, moun­tain and see more than your expec­ta­tion of what you had seen at your home or some oth­er coun­ties you visited 
  2. Sam­pov moun­tain or well as Phnom Sam­pov and Bat Cave 
  3. Kayak through Vil­lages and Countryside
  4. Phsar Nath Market
  5. Vis­it the Well of Shadows
  6. Go on a Free Walk­ing Tour
  7. Hike to the Killing Cave
  8. Ride the Bam­boo Train
  9. Expe­ri­ence Vil­lage Life
  10. Sip at a Winery
  11. Kam­pong Pil Pagoda
  12. Go on a Cycling Tour
  13. Banan Tem­ple
  14. Killing Field at Wat Sam­rong Knong
  15. The Cam­bo­di­an Cheese Factory
  16. Bat­tam­bang Circus

Going through to Bat­tam­bang Taxi Dri­vers, then imag­ing of hav­ing a per­son­al dri­ver who is able work­ing as an Eng­lish speak­ing guide and dri­ver to do your  ori­en­ta­tion guid­ed tour for all your days in the town of Bat­tam­bang territory.

Then Feel free take a look at our out­stand­ing of Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental bel­low, please 

Dear to all of my valu­able cus­tomers, this is Andy, your pri­vate Eng­lish speak­ing guide who is also employ­ing as Bat­tam­bang Taxi Dri­vers, the life of self guid­ed tour and indi­vid­ual ser­vice as dri­ving my love­ly car and guid­ed tour ser­vice in Bat­tam­bang town, had begin since I first­ly mar­ried to a world’s pret­ty woman of mine in 2015 till now.

Pre­vi­ous­ly years, I was liv­ing in Phnom Penh cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia and then des­tinies brought to meet my girl­friend and turned my only entire life wife, I imme­di­ate­ly found out my self that Phnom Penh cit is not to be my life home any­more, it’s very busy and the most busies of Cam­bo­dia city for­ev­er, beside busy pol­lu­tions is kind of a main social prob­lems and some­time to lifestyles with col­ors. Nonethe­less, I am no longer inter­est­ed in spend­ing my liv­ing in Phnom Penh city any­more, Yes I will go to city for some­time it’s just for work and oth­er parties.

Accord­ing to my sev­er­al years in Bat­tam­bang city, then I have felt bat­tam­bang it is my city of my life to build my fam­i­ly, while day time i can work as local taxi dri­ver and go to my near­by farms around Bat­tam­bang town.


Nonethe­less, the green pad­dy rice is one of the nat­ur­al tablets and i can smell it every­day, feel free take a lot at the a bunch of peo­ple who are cycling along pad­dy rice from place to dif­fer­ence of my wife vil­lage they are so joy­ful­ly with the green nature prestiges 

Last­ly, Think­ing of hav­ing a real­ly good Bat­tam­bang Eng­lish Taxi Dri­vers and guid­ed tour to take care of you to vis­it­ing in/around the Bat­tam­bang town and then it’s wright for us to serve your holiday, 

Please  Feel free no hes­i­tate to con­tact us at your avail­abil­i­ty time please