
Cambodian Drivers Taxi Car Rental

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Phnom Penh Taxi Drivers

Phnom Penh Taxi Drivers


Wel­come to Phnom Penh, the cap­i­tal and biggest of Cam­bo­dia, the city is now becom­ing eco­nom­ics, indus­tri­al, tourism fields and more.… This is a bet­ter idea to set­up Phnom Penh Taxi Dri­vers busi­ness to pro­vide to whom needs of our trans­porta­tion ser­vices to explore around in Phnom Penh city, 

Phnom Penh Taxi Dri­vers is a group of Eng­lish pri­vate speak­ing dri­ver team and also we are the long and very expe­ri­enced of Phnom Penh taxi dri­vers group which it was col­lect­ed and select­ed those of the long years in dri­ving and speak­ing eng­lish to their customers


If you are plan­ning for going around the city of Phnom Penh, the cap­i­tal of Cam­bo­dia and then step­ping lev­el up to trav­el to take more adven­tures to oth­er towns of Cam­bo­dia for your next hol­i­day des­ti­na­tion, you are still think­ing of hav­ing a pri­vate Phnom Penh Taxi Dri­vers-Eng­lish speak­ing dri­ver is a must need to escort your trips, to explore Cam­bo­di­a’s amaz­ing to see and things to do, YEAH, this is going to be the best time for Phnom Penh Taxi Dri­vers and also work­ing as for your per­son­al Eng­lish speak­ing dri­ver (the oppor­tu­ni­ty) to pro­vide you of our best taxi and guid­ing ser­vice as must as we can effort for your whole days in Cambodia.


On the oth­er hand, to those of the dif­fer­ence peo­ples who are still seek­ing a pri­vate dri­ver and eng­lish well speak­ing dri­ver who are able to work as trans­la­tor and inter­preter, then Phnom Penh Taxi Dri­ver is very suit your demand at all time. The Group of Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental is the top and most elite Eng­lish capac­i­ty knowl­edge dri­vers and some were the for­mer Bach­e­lor Degree in Eng­lish lit­er­ater for 4 years in school. [br]


Hel­lo Every­one and also our valu­able Cus­tomers, My name is Pho, I am one of the Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental mem­bers and I am a well Eng­lish speak­ing dri­ver, if you are con­sid­er­ing about trips to Cam­bo­dia, then  I am (pho) hap­py to be your employ­ee and also I am glad to ser­vice you with my eng­lish knowl­edge and my Lexus car to dri­ve to wher­ev­er you want.

Hon­est­ly, I am a local Eng­lish speak­ing tour guide in Phnom Penh city and also work­ing as a pri­vate taxi dri­ver in cap­i­tal city, biggest city of  Cam­bo­dia. The work as the per­son­al dri­ver and tour guide has begin when I was Tuk Tuk dri­ver and was study­ing Eng­lish lit­er­ater at a pub­lic school then went through to a Uni­ver­si­ty in Phnom Penh. Then i passed my school of Eng­lish in 2014. [br]

For the last 10 years i have been drove to up and down Cam­bo­dia, I been to every­where or every provinces of Cam­bo­dia, and some­time i have worked as a pri­vate dri­ver, per­son­al trans­la­tor and indi­vid­ual eng­lish speak­ing tour guide.[br]

After 10 years of my entire life work­ing expe­ri­ences with­in the tourism activ­i­ties in Cam­bo­dia then i had some note of tourist des­ti­na­tions across are Phnom Penh, Siem  Reap, Bat­tam­bang, Sihanoukville, Rat­tanakiri, Mon­dulkiri and more towns and provinces, the works that I been worked as tour guide ser­vice providers to those of world­wide tourists who vis­it­ed Cam­bo­dia is the top enjoy­able jobs if the I com­pered to my pre­vi­ous­ly occu­pa­tion in my home­land, and at my moth­er­land i worked farm­ers, this was the best rea­sons i decid­ed to move from abo­rig­ine land to set­tle in Cam­bo­di­a’s cap­i­tal of Phnom Penh. But i have nev­er ever miss to vis­it my moth­er­land, every year.


Home­land is the land gave me of first birth and grew up.


Ok Let go back toTaxi and guid­ed tour in Phnom Penh and Phnom Penh Taxi Dri­ver, the dri­ver is able to speak, write, lis­ten to your Eng­lish speak­ing coun­ties around our planet


So, going around Phnom Penh and also trav­el­ing to any des­ti­na­tion in the coun­try then you would be inter­est­ed in look­ing for your Cam­bo­dia pri­va­cy dri­ver as local guide ? then please come to me “Pho”, I am the best local guide and dri­ver for going to any adven­tur­ing, across the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia. [br]


the Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental is able to carter your group sized to go to wher­ev­er you want to explore across Cambodia

If you have any ques­tion that relat­ed to Cam­bo­di­a’s tourism or plans to vis­it Cam­bo­dia at a peri­od of time then Please feel free to con­tact us at the fol­low­ing Email and phone bel­low. CambodianDrivers.Com [br][br]