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Kampot Taxi Drivers Cambodia

Kam­pot Taxi Dri­vers Cambodia


Hel­lo every­one, my name is Sam Rithy, the Kam­po res­i­den­tial guide and also work­ing as a Kam­po Taxi Dri­ver Cam­bo­dia. Cur­rent­ly, I am work­ing as the num­ber one of Kam­pot local guide insid­er, all of the work­ing expe­ri­ences of Taxi Dri­ver and Local Insid­er Guide was orig­i­nal­ly came from by meet­ing, talk­ing, and per­haps tak­ing inter­na­tion­al tourists from a place in Kam­pot town to go to around in Kam­pot province and to also a near­by town/province of Kam­pot. Def­i­nite­ly, Kam­pot and Kep is very near­by coun­ty to each oth­ers, its’s 20 ride in my SUV car from home in Kam­pot to Kep, I can make one day for two province tours, easily. 


My work­ing expe­ri­ence in Kam­pot town as the Kam­pot Taxi Dri­ver had start­ed since I was 25 years old and now I am at the age of 41 years, I still love the work that I had been worked with for­eign tourists for 17 years so far. Hon­est­ly, the work­ing expe­ri­ence should be enough for every­one who want to have a pri­vate taxi dri­ver to Kam­pot and your needs local Taxi Dri­ver and guide is me, Mr. Sam Rithy.


Please be not­ed, My job is tak­ing people/speaking to every peo­ples who are being spent their time or hol­i­day in Kam­pot town,  go every­where around Kep and give  ori­en­ta­tion tours to the need­ed peo­ples is my occu­pa­tions, please.

For every­one is look­ing into trav­el­ing to the Cam­bo­dia Kam­pot town and still need of local guide insid­er to escort you and your friends to explore the lit­tle and nat­u­ral­ly city of Kep then you can be feel free con­tact me or Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Taxi Car Rental’s group for a help to go through to all Kam­pot’s things to see and things to do across the region.


Nev­er missed all places to vis­it across Kam­pot sight­see­ing tour if you had me (Sam Rithy) as your local guide and Kam­pot Taxi Driver 


Bel­low is the intro­duc­tion of Kam­pot Town


If you long for an exot­ic, yet relaxed, and extreme­ly afford­able way of life then con­sid­er the provin­cial cap­i­tal of Kam­pot right at the heart of Cambodia’s “Lost Riv­iera” along the country’s his­toric south­ern coastline.

Sit­u­at­ed only a mile or so from the ocean, Kam­pot is a relax­ing river­side retreat sur­round­ed by a mes­mer­iz­ing mix of mist-cov­ered moun­tains, fer­tile fields, forests, and all kinds of fruit farms and plantations.

The city has been a favorite with for­eign trav­el­ers for over a cen­tu­ry dat­ing all the way back to the colo­nial era when the French began cul­ti­vat­ing the area into the country’s most pres­ti­gious coastal setting.

Dur­ing the 1960s the Riv­iera con­tin­ued to flour­ish attract­ing a who’s who from around the world includ­ing mon­archs, heads of state, and glam­orous icons such as Jack­ie Kennedy tak­ing in the sights.

Fast-for­ward fifty years and the King­dom of Cam­bo­dia has re-estab­lished itself among the top trav­el des­ti­na­tions in South­east Asia, espe­cial­ly with Amer­i­cans who account for more vis­i­tors to the coun­try than any oth­er west­ern nation.

And amid this renais­sance Kam­pot has once again regained its right­ful place as one of Cambodia’s most pop­u­lar coastal loca­tions and not only with tourists but also for a grow­ing pop­u­la­tion of expats.



Despite offi­cial­ly being the largest city in Cam­bo­dia, Kam­pot feels more like a laid­back lit­tle town in part due its coun­try­side locale and curi­ous blend of old-world archi­tec­ture, tra­di­tion­al land­marks, and colo­nial buildings.

The river­side is at the very heart of life in Kam­pot appeal­ing to expats and locals who soak up the area’s relaxed ambi­ence and visu­al charm. The city cen­ter is very easy to nav­i­gate with many pre­fer­ring to get around by foot or bicy­cle since so many places are con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed close to the river.

Eng­lish is wide­ly spo­ken in Kam­pot and has long ago replaced French as the most pop­u­lar sec­ond lan­guage with it being com­mon­ly used by almost every­one work­ing in tourism, hos­pi­tal­i­ty, and among the new­er gen­er­a­tions who make up most of the nation’s youth­ful population.

Cam­bo­dia not only offers rea­son­ably priced and acces­si­ble annu­al retire­ment visas but also has the unique advan­tage of using the U.S. dol­lar along­side its nation­al cur­ren­cy. This makes it much eas­i­er for expats that run their own busi­ness­es as well as retirees who rely on income from over­seas pensions.

In recent years sev­er­al nation­al, region­al, and inter­na­tion­al banks as well as var­i­ous micro­fi­nance insti­tu­tions have launched full ser­vice branch­es in Kam­pot while also increas­ing the num­ber of stand­alone ATMs at use­ful loca­tions all across the city.

This means it is now very con­ve­nient for expats to access cash, open local accounts, apply for deb­it and cred­it cards, receive or send trans­fers inter­na­tion­al­ly, and even use inter­net banking.

Kam­pot is blessed with a trop­i­cal cli­mate which guar­an­tees warm weath­er and sun­shine every month of the year. This is a major point of appeal for those who are plan­ning to escape the cold weath­er and freez­ing win­ters in their home countries.

Jan­u­ary to April are gen­er­al­ly the hottest months of the year with tem­per­a­tures of up to 90 F. How­ev­er, Kampot’s coastal loca­tion ensures there is a refresh­ing breeze from the Prek Kam­pong Bay and Prek Tuek Chhu rivers.

The rainy sea­son usu­al­ly runs from June to Sep­tem­ber and is an excel­lent time to vis­it Kam­pot as the sur­round­ing coun­try­side pos­i­tive­ly blos­soms. The rains tend to stop from Octo­ber and there is often a cool sea­son dur­ing Novem­ber to Decem­ber where the tem­per­a­ture drops as low as 21 F.

If you wish to expe­ri­ence a cold­er set­ting all you need to do is take a 30-minute dri­ve up to the Preah Monivong Bokor Nation­al Park in the Dam­rei Moun­tains, which is 1,000 meters above sea lev­el. Not only are the views of the coast­line out­stand­ing but the park has a unique ecosys­tem with waves of fog con­tin­u­al­ly ris­ing up and rolling across the top of the moun­tain sur­round­ing vis­i­tors with refresh­ing­ly cool white clouds and mists.