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Home»Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers

Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers,


Are you look­ing for explor­ing Phnom Penh ? Then It’s going to be our a great and plea­sure to pro­vide our Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers to greet you and your friends at your hotel lob­by recep­tion­ist floor, this is the best time to cut out the wait­ing time and you are able to do things else while wait­ing for your ride to your frontside of your home or hotel. Book one of Our Cam­bo­di­an Dri­ves Taxi Car Rental’s Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers 


Very big thanks and very appre­ci­ate for your advance book­ing our Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers Ser­vice, the pri­vate ride is very hap­py to go to greet you, your friends and your fam­i­lies at your hotel lob­by recep­tion­ist floor. Please make a book­ing ahead your days in Phnom Penh of Cam­bo­dia, it’s the main thing to make an arrange­ment before hand.


Tuk Tuk is still one of the pop­u­lar land trans­porta­tion in Phnom Penh city and also some oth­er cities across Cam­bo­dia, as Phnom Penh is the Cam­bo­di­a’s cap­i­tal and biggest city, and Tuk Tuk is the most com­fort­able for rid­ing inside and lit­tle out­side of Phnom Penh 


If you and your families/friends want to have tuk Tuk sight­see­ing tour to see very angle of Phnom Penh city then we are strong­ly rec­om­mend our Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers to be your guide and also your per­son­al dri­ver to guide to every­where you would like to while your trips are in Phnom Penh cap­i­tal. The Cam­bo­di­an Dri­ves Taxi Car Rental’s Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers is not work­ing as your local Tuk Tuk dri­ver to explore insid­er of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers are able also to speak very well in Eng­lish. More­over, the Eng­lish lan­guage is the best lan­guage to com­mu­ni­cate with world­wide and also inter­na­tion­al tourists who are being vis­it­ed Cam­bo­dia. Take your wor­ries out of your Phnom Penh sight­see­ing tours.

Yes Def­i­nite­ly! Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers is the form of Eng­lish well Spo­ken Tuk tuk dri­vers and we are able to help you to plan your phnom Penh itin­er­ary as day by day tour, Beside speak­ing Eng­lish as for com­mu­ni­ca­tion lan­guage then we are also a long year and very experiences 


Take a look at our hap­pi­ly cus­tomers who is sit­ting in our Tuk tuk, and keep­ing smil­ing to our cam­era­man to do pho­to shoot­ing, the trip had start­ed since ear­ly morn­ing till late evening, 

The most tourist spots for Phnom Penh Sight­see­ing city tours are;

  1. The Roy­al Palace and Sil­ver Pagoda

5. Wat Phnom Hill

8. Shop­ping at Cen­tral or/and Russ­ian Market

9. S 21 Toul Sleng Prison Geno­cide Museum

10. Killing Fields Choe­ung Ek Memorial

2. Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Ranges 

Out­door of Phnom Penh City

11. The Silk Island Mekong Island

16. Udong Moun­tain

15. Ta Prohm tem­ple Bati River

14. The zoo at Tamao mountain

13. Apasa Tra­di­tion­al Dancing

Don’t for­get to go to see must things to see in Phnom Penh city with us, as we have so far designed some of the Phnom Penh tourist spots for you before you come to the capital.



Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Dri­vers is being pro­vid­ed by Mr. Van, the guy who has spent some time in tourism indus­tri­al busi­ness as a self employed Tuk tuk dri­ver for decades already. and the life of Tuk Tuk begin in 1998, it was the sec­ond times of Cam­bo­dia Nation­al Gen­er­al Elec­tion, to know about his sto­ry dur­ing of Cam­bo­di­a’s dark times, post dark time and cur­rent­ly day (Khmer Rough or well known as Demo­c­ra­t­ic of Cam­bo­dia). The Cam­bo­dia his­to­ry after Pot Pol regime (Khmer Rough or Red Khmer regime) fall down in 1979 till today.  Also Eng­lish is one of impor­tance lan­guage that i speak almost everyday

My name is Van, Tuk Tuk dri­ver to Phnom Penh, My tuk tuk is behind my backside

Hel­lo Every­one and also my valu­able cus­tomers, my name is Van, I am a very long year and very good informed of Eng­lish Speak­ing Tuk tuk dri­ver to Phnom Penh of Cam­bo­dia, Phnom Penh is the cap­i­tal of my coun­try where I had lived my entire life since I moved to the cap­i­tal in 1993. The life as a  Tuk tuk of Phnom Penh Dri­ver had become since 1995 till ear­ly 2020 March, I decid­ed to tem­po­rary dropped off for almost 2 and half years, it was because of the Covid 19 world­wide pan­dem­ic virus.

Dur­ing the year of world­wide pan­dem­ic our cowork­ers had decid­ed to tem­porar­i­ly switch the Tuk Tuk busi­ness a peri­od of time, and they decid­ed to go to home­land and to do farm­ing, some worked as a build­ing constructors 


Right now, I do 100% com­plete­ly believe that 2022 is best best year to start­up our tourist busi­ness to regain again, as i have seen a huge num­ber of west­ern tourists start­ed to vis­it Cam­bo­dia. It’s the best sign to pre­dict our tourist future business!


Last­ly, If you are mak­ing a trip to Cam­bo­di­a’s cities like Phnom Penh City, please con­sid­er about me (Mr. Van) I am one of the lead­ing and well englihs speak­ing to the city and around Cambodia.


Thanks 🙏🏽 for giv­ing a great to serve you, your fam­i­lies and your mates


The Quote!

“Expe­ri­ence Cam­bo­dia like no one else! Roam from Siem Reap down to Phnom Penh through the local coun­try­side and com­mu­ni­ties in a tra­di­tion­al Khmer tuk-tuk. Well, almost tra­di­tion­al. Stop along the way at float­ing vil­lages, hid­den tem­ples, meet new local friends along the way and stay in tra­di­tion­al style Khmer hous­es. Learn about the every­day lives of peo­ple liv­ing in this incred­i­ble coun­try and come away with a bet­ter under­stand­ing of Khmer coun­try­side life. But the best part? It’s our Cam­bo­di­an guides and dri­vers them­selves who make this expe­ri­ence so unique. They’re fun, they’ll enjoy a bev­er­age of three with you and even teach you some Cam­bo­di­an dance moves!”